The Flying Saucer House
It's called the Futuro House, designed by Matti Suuronen in 1968. Only 96 of these homes were ever built. 96. And we've got one a few miles from where we live.
It's not habitable but it still gets a regular flow of visitors. If I had money to burn I would definitely buy this house and refurbish it. Don't you think it would make a great studio or a writing haven? Think of the inspiration!
The house is tiny. According to this web site it can accommodate eight people. Yeah, maybe, if they were REALLY good friends.
You can see pictures of what these homes looked like brand new at the web site.
Our local Futuro House is sad looking, but still neat. I wish I knew
My guess: I think it's a real flying saucer and this is where it crash landed.
My proof: There's a big honky tonk not far from there. I think the aliens got so plastered, they crashed and didn't have enough dough to get their ride fixed.
Every time I pass by this thing I want to haul it back to my property and fix it up. I just hate to see it unloved.
Don't you think it's unique? If you could own this piece of history, what would you do with it?
A home? A diner? You can call it the Do Drop Inn.
There's a regular home not far from it. If I ever see the owner walking around, I'm going to stop and ask him about the house.
A harem!
I'm telling your wife, Ted. LOL!
Only 8 people? But I guess they didn't think you'd be having any parties in the future, huh?
*checks bank account for investment funds*
Do you think they'll take a trade in cats?
I thought it would make a good cafe too. It would fit right in at Roswell.
If only we could afford it.
You hit it on the head. It would make a perfect camp house.
Or game playing chickens. Yeah, even better!
This structure needs a little TLC. It could be anything you wanted it to be. As a writer myself, I'd turn it into my own studio. ;)I'd escape here and pretend I'm somewhere else.
BTW, I love your pics of Tank & Iko. They're adorable. I'm an animal lover as well and my husband volunteers for the local SPCA. You're lucky you live surrounded by nature:the best muse.
Keep on writing!
Da boys thank you for the compliment. (I did raise them to be polite.)
And kudos to your hubby for volunteering at the SPCA. The noblest of all causes.
Thanks for popping in.
I forgot to ask you something about your books. Is your publisher a small press? Do you have an agent?
Thank you for answering my questions. BTW, I joined your blog to see more of your interesting photos.
Happy writing!
DS#3 is sitting here drooling over my shoulder for it.
Currently I have one novel out and one coming out in the fall. Both are small press.
No agent yet but that's no great loss. Small press has been very good to me. It would be even better if I were prolific. :)
Thank you for following. Stop by any time. I tend to shake things up and write about an assortment of topics.
Be sure to visit some of the regulars who comment here too. There's a vast wealth of information from these guys.
That just proves I only hang with the smartest people. :grin:
Can you imagine? You wouldn't see them until they were 25. LOL.
However, if fully restored by the people on the Pawnshop show my sweetie watches, it would probably sell for quite a lot of money if someone could ever afford to restore it in the first place! What a neat novelty down the road from you....
BTW, what condition is the Honky Tonk in?
Ref: honky tonk
It's big and it looks pretty decent from the outside, but I've never been inside.
I know it's popular on a Saturday night. :grin: The cops patrol that stretch of road for miles.
I'm glad you stopped in and mentioned you saw one. Other than the web site, I've never heard of such a house.
But with only 96 in the whole world, it's a rare thing indeed.
Now I really want one. LOL.
I hope you're having a great Sunday. Hmmm, Maria, I noticed you're not following me yet ;) And the only reason I dared to say it/leave it in your comments is because you told your readers to do so under "Must have friends" which I think is funny, clever, and "fair". ;)
Hope you drop by! I believe we can learn lots from each other this way. Greetings to Tank & Iko.
Even better-- a genre only bookstore. No highbrow literary stuff allowed.
But thanks for bringing it up! It's the only way I know for sure if I'm following everyone.
Okay, let's try again.
I'd also like to share this article that came out on our local paper.
For some reason, your icon on GFC doesn't have an active link for you. Usually that means there is no blog, just someone who added my blog to their watch list. Click on your icon to the right and see if your name is an active link. (I'm afraid I don't know how to make the link active. I just know it happens.)
If I click on your name on this comment string, it takes me to Blogger, but there are no links to go anywhere else.
PS Big congrats on a great article about you. How did that come about?
Finally! I can see you now under my followers. Thank you! I'll check out my link to make sure is active. Yesterday, I had the same problem with two readers that couldn't log in. Strange!
Thank you for your kind wishes. Well, I was surprised myself. The guy who wrote the article approached me. He came across my blog and liked what he saw so he sent me an email asking me for an interview. Isn't that cool? I've learned to embrace life in the blogosphere ;) You never know who might stop by.
We actually have a little indie bookstore nearby that was created out of a former movie theater. It's called Nooks & Crannies.
Now I really wish I could get that flying saucer. The things we could do with it. I hate to see it left neglected.
I've no idea what happened to it. One day it was just... gone. (Queue "Twilightr Zone" theme)
But I always wanted one - or several, interconnected. Even from outside, I could tell there couldn't be much room inside one of those things. (How did the Robinson Family, Dr Smith, and the Robot manage?!)