Know-It-All Book

I know it all now and I have the book to prove it. We're in the final week of my blog tour, but I'm not slowing down yet. Today, I'm over at Novel Spaces where I talk about a unique book in my possession.

I love books, and I read across all genres, including literary. But I have a special fondness for old books--especially nonfiction.

Drop by and visit Novel Spaces. There's a picture of the book and a few examples of what's inside. Some of the info is outdated, some insane, and others are just downright preposterous. But it's one of my favorite books.

Stop over here and chip into the conversation.

Don't forget you can still comment on any past post of my blog tour and increase your chances of winning. See the Blog Tour Page to see where I've been.


Jennifer Shirk said…
Well, I went to a museum in Chicago and saw the Dead Sea scrolls. Now THEY were OLD! LOL
yap nothing beats those Jen
Kit Courteney said…
Found you via the wonderful Jayne Ferst.

You have a great blog, ADORABLE dogs(!) and a new follower :)
Maria Zannini said…
Jennifer, Joanna: Wow. The only downside is that I can't read in Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek. But I would have loved to have seen it.
Maria Zannini said…
Hiya Kit! Glad to meet you. Welcome!

Let me add you to my reader and I'll be over there in a bit. Thanks for following me. Off to return the favor.
Ellie Garratt said…
My head hurts after all that Tequila. I hope I didn't ruin your sofa last night. LOL.

Okay. People will be read this comment and wonder what the hell I'm talking about. Evil chuckle.
Maria Zannini said…
Ellie: Well that just means people need to see your blog.

PS Glad you're sober again. :)