Subtle World Building

I'm globe trotting today and visiting with Misha in South Africa over at My First Book blog. Misha is a writer working on an epic fantasy and her blog is a chronicle of her experiences and discoveries.

It's a lively blog and she regularly hosts guest authors. Today is my turn and I credit Marianne Arkins for giving me my topic when she left a comment here back when I was looking for ideas. Today, I'm going to talk about world building and how not to leave footprints as you write.

I hope you'll join me over at Misha's.


Jackie said…
I am hot on the trail now, heading over to Misha's!
Sarah Ahiers said…
i am heading over right now!
Amy said…
Nice Blog! :)
Marianne Arkins said…
Okay ... gotta go read. Because, yeah -- I DO want to know. :-)
Maria Zannini said…
It's a short post, but I hope it was useful.

Thanks, all.
Linda Leszczuk said…
I'm running late but I'm going over now.