Tagging Party: Week 2

You guys have been so supportive, visiting me at all my various guest spots for the Indie Roadshow. On Wednesday and Thursday I'll visit two more authors, and this time I might get a little controversial. I'll leave that for you to decide.

But today is Tagging Day. It's your chance to give some sugar to a few deserving authors and tag their books.

If I hadn't read the book I like to study the synopsis on their Amazon page for clues on what kind of keywords are likely to draw people to these books.

Like last time, I've attached the book cover, the link and some possible tag choices. While you're at Amazon, you can agree with the tags, or add your own. Be creative with your tags. If you've read the book, all the better to liven it up with some cool tags. 
Oh and don't forget to 'like' the page or a review while you're there.
For the books we did last week, go here. This week's selections are below. Be good sports and tag all of them. Karma will smile upon you and the angels will put brownie points on your side of the balance sheet.
Finally, I have one last request. I have a friend and author, Angela Brown who is just starting her blog. Will you do me a favor and go over and add yourself to her follower list? 
I met Angela several years ago at a writer's conference and she is absolutely the sweetest person, and a lot of fun. I know you'll like her.
Okay, here's this week's selection. Tag often. Tag freely.

Tags I added: 
Lawyer, Investigator, Going home, Opposites attract
I also agreed with several tags already there.

Tags I added: 
Bug-out, Zombie survival, Guns, Gaming
I also agreed with several tags already there.

Tags I added: 
Personal experience, mental health, Generational mental illness
I also agreed with several tags already there. 

Writing front: I'm finally writing for myself again. I have the sequel for The Devil To Pay in the works. I also have a finished draft for the sequel to True Believers
I'm a little upset about the title for the sequel to True Believers because I noticed someone else is using it this year. There's no way I'd change the title because it's exactly right for the story. I'm just annoyed someone published with that title before I did.

The summer has been brutal here. I get more writing done, but I'm interrupted constantly because I have to keep checking the animals and watch for signs of heat exhaustion. We're breaking heat records left and right.

How's the weather in your neck of the woods? Is it normal for you this time of year?


Dru said…
We're on day 4 of our heatwave. Despite having rain last night, the air was horrid.
Maria Zannini said…
Dru: Wow. I'll bet NY is really humid right now.
Misha Gerrick said…
Don't worry about the title. It's the whole package that counts. If the title suits the book perfectly, then it doesn't matter that there's another book with the same name.

Angelina Rain said…
Yay, I can't wait to read part 2 to True Believers!!! Now I'm dying to know what's the title. Tell me, tell me, tell me.

We are having a bit of a heat wave too. It's hot and muggy here.
Maria Zannini said…
Misha: It doesn't matter to me personally. It's that a publisher sometimes refuses to use a title that's been used recently so as not to confuse readers. Unless they can think of an equally perfect title, it's not something I want to negotiate.

Angelina: My lips are sealed--at least in public. :)
Angela Brown said…
Maria, thank you so much for the plug. I'm so humbled and honored I think my cheeks will split from all my smiling.

The weather here in the Central Texas area is muggy and HOT. I've threatened to wash my car twice and each time we got a little sprinkle. I suppose I better wash it outright and perhaps we'll get a respectable downpour.

Excited about the sequel to True Believers. Can't wait for it to come out :-)
Weather-wise, I'm in the same TX-shaped boat as you.
Cathy in AK said…
Oooh, sequel to TB! Can't wait! And I hear you about titling. My efforts are hit or miss, so learning a recent book is out with the same title is a bummer : P

Our weather is on the normal side: cool and drippy.
Unknown said…
I'm a little clueless, I guess since I don't have a book up on Amazon (yet), so what is tagging?
Maria Zannini said…
Angela: Well, we still have to hear if Carina wants it. :)

Barbara: Sadly, yes.

Cathy: Some day you will have to do an entire blog post on weather in Alaska. I really want to know.

Elle: Don't feel bad. Up until recently, I didn't know either. The way it was explained to me is that you go to the Amazon link for each book that I post, and scroll down to the orange subheading where it says: 'Tags Customers Associate With This Product'.

You can add a tag, or agree with an existing tag, or 'like' a page.
Raelyn Barclay said…
Sequels...happy squeal :)

Weather...hot, LOL (though perhaps not as hot as where you are).
Maria Zannini said…
Raelyn: I dunno. You guys get pretty hot too. It's been weeks of triple digits for us though.
Maria Zannini said…
Raelyn: I dunno. You guys get pretty hot too. It's been weeks of triple digits for us though.
Shelley Munro said…
Titles - I'm currently going back and forth with titles since my first one was rejected. I feel your pain!

We've had a warm winter to date, although the last week has been cooler. I think it's a hot water bottle for us tonight.
Jayne said…
The weather in London is positively grim for summer. I'm wearing the sort of clothes I would in October. But it seems to be the pattern of the last few years - April and May is lovely, 'summer' months of July and August are grey and rainy. The seasons are changing, I think. Hope the heat sorts itself out for you soon. And I know what you mean about titles... a film came out with a very similar title to my book and it was a real gut-wrenching moment!
Unknown said…
I think it's wonderful that you're tagging books. What a great idea.

That sucks that the title of your next book was taken. I'm sure you'll find another great one.

The summer, oh, it's been brutal as well. It's sooooo hot. Above 100 every day and never any rain.
Maria Zannini said…
Shelley: I envy your weather right now.

Jayne: Ouch. I think it's worse if the book has a name like a movie--especially a popular movie. You might as well kiss that title goodbye then.

Clarissa: You are even deeper south than I am so I can well imagine the heat there. We could do with a spot of rain.
Thank you for including Cold Faith and Zombies in the tagging party! And thank you to everyone who visited my novel's page! Btw, it's too hot for the hot tub here as well... I lost ten pounds just running to the store real quick.

Thanks again!