How 2 Shake Off the Heebie Jeebies


My article, Networking: How 2 Shake Off the Heebee Jeebies is now up at WOW!

Go over and check it out.



Ruv Draba saidā€¦
A good article, Maria. Having run a consultancy for many years, I know that friendly networking can be important -- and that a lot of shy people are scared and don't know how to do it.

Your article is practical, easy to read and hit all the right notes with me.
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Thanks, Ruv. That's kind of you to let me know. Coming from someone who's in the business of dealing with people that means a lot.
Heather Moore saidā€¦
Great article, and great advice. I've heard from many successful writers that networking can make a big difference. The world of writing is too small to be petty or stand-offish!
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Thanks, Heather.

And you're right. The writing world is very small. It pays to be kind and courteous, just like our mamas taught us. :o)