Stark Beauty

No Killer Campaign post today. A good friend of mine died suddenly and we are still reeling from the shock. He was my age and in better shape than any two people I know.
I leave you with a photo of our acreage in semi-tropical Southeast Texas. We've had the occasional freak snow, but never like this. It's beautiful, yet fleeting. It'll be 70 degrees this weekend and all this will be a memory.
It seemed apropos for my friend who loved photography and took many such pictures of his own.
Rest in peace, Richard.


Dru said…
May he rest in peace.
I'm sorry for your loss, Maria.
Shelley Munro said…
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, Maria.
Anonymous said…
Sorry about your friend, Maria. It's shocking when someone in good shape dies suddenly like that.

Your photo is beautiful. I wish I had any confidence our snow would melt before March.
Maria Zannini said…
Thanks guys.

The last we heard they think Richard died of a brain embolism. No one saw it coming.

Daw: Our snows are rare and fleeting. You can't see it in such a small format, but in the middle of the shot at the very far end there is a deer darting away.
rcloenen-ruiz said…
Sorry to read about yoru friend, Maria. Hope you're doing well.
Heather Moore said…
So sorry to hear about this. My good friend's husband was killed in a car wreck 2 weeks ago. I understand the shock and disbelief. It makes life all that much more precious.
Maria Zannini said…
How true. I still can't believe Richard is gone.