Our little get together was a huge success. More people showed up than we expected. Aside from the dishes I made, nearly everyone brought a little something too. I have a lot of counterspace and tables, yet every square inch was filled to the brim.
At first, everyone stood around, a little timid perhaps, until I laid down the law. Everyone must have a drink in one hand and a plate of food in the other. As soon as people started eating, the din of conversation and chewing never ceased. I LOVE that!
We didn't know half the people who showed up. I knew they were our neighbors but we had never met yet. I just called them up and introduced myself and asked them to come over. And they did! Greg and I took turns visiting with everyone and showing them around the house. (This is why we never got a chance to eat.) We learned a little bit more about our neighbors, and I hope they got to know us better too.
Everyone loved Tank. He is big and brawny and a little intimidating but he is the perfect good will ambassador because he's so gentle and polite. Iko is Tank's counterpoint. The little rascal had to kiss on everyone.
The party was an enormous undertaking mostly because we had to finish some remodeling, but it turned out better than we expected. I am so glad we got to meet our neighbors. Maybe we can do this again some day. --after I've slept. *g*
Below some pics of the new floor and setting up for the party.

Iko: Not quite sure what all the fuss is about.

My biggest worry was that I wouldn't have enough chairs. I asked a few of my friends to bring folding chairs if they had them. No one ended up on the floor so I guess we had enough.
Setting up the dessert table for the party. As usual, EVERYONE descended upon us at once so I never got to take pictures once we got the food out. I wish I had. It was a sight to behold.

Bedroom Floor BEFORE

Bedroom Floor AFTER

Iko trying out the new floor for size. I don't remember if I mentioned this: Notice the tail? There's a possibility this is why the puppy was tossed away. Rotties' tails are always snipped and this one wasn't. Iko made out okay though. He'll never know a sad day in his life.
Copyright © 2009 Maria Zannini -- http://mariazannini.blogspot.com/.
Glad the party was a good one. Your floors look wonderful...love hardwood floors.
PS Sherri, I should be getting into town tomorrow. I'll email you when I make my pilgrimage to the PO.
No worries on the mail.
I thought Texans were tough :)
Iko looks a little heart-breaker
Even when he chews on my throw pillows I can't stay mad at him. Life is one big joy for him. Considering how hard life can be, I admire that trait immensely. He reminds me that material things are transient. The only important issues are the ones you love.
My landlady invited me for brunch yesterday. I said thanks, and could I bring a dish? I was going to make fishballs - tuna mixed with mashed potatoes and fried. She asked about how many I would have made. I said more than enough for her and me, ten or twelve.
She laughed and said not to bother. It turned out there were THIRTY people at the brunch. My landlady was cooking out of pots that resembled a child's wading pool, and ladling out the food with a shovel.
I invited 22 people, four of them couldn't make it, yet 30 people showed up. I'd walk throughout the house and there were pockets of people everywhere.