Spring Was Having Technical Difficulties
Sunday morning I woke up to this. Snow--on the first day of Spring.
Yet all that snow disappeared before I went to bed that night.
The Friday before we had lovely spring weather and we filled the bird feeder to the brim. Nobody came to lunch. Nobody!
Humph! Ingrates.
Sunday comes and we get a freak snowstorm. Who's your favorite friend now, huh, birdies?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Obviously, they're only interested in my niblets when the weather is bad. The rest of the time they're off making baby birdies. Yeah, I heard you out there. Don't think I don't know what you were doing up in those trees.
Sheesh. I hate it when my neighbors get more sex than I do.
Oh, and Tuesday, it'll be 78 degrees.
Come to Texas. We have all kinds of weather here. Morning, noon and night.
Hurry spring, hurry!
(I know this sounds cruel, but it makes sense.)
Ref: six inches in Scotland.
Woman, I hope you'll get a handle on it while you're there.
Everyone: Be sure to visit Brokenbiro's blog. She has a GREAT post on double entendres.
But with the weird weather, the usual food supply for them has been scarce. They're on their own after this one goes empty.
Have a good Tuesday.
re: you only feed birds if the snow covers the whole ground, otherwise you'll have sick birds hovering in your garden, staying alive on your food and infecting all the other birds.
This puzzles me, as I feed birds year round and don't have sick birds... wondering...hmmm...
Happy, uh, Spring?
It caught me off guard last year when we had a sudden drop in temperature right after I put in the garden, but this year I waited.
Then I stuck my tongue out at Ma Nature.
I don't think it know what season it wants to be in.
Ref: feeding birds
My neighbors feed the birds year round too. But I wasn't planning on it. There's plenty to eat once it greens up more.