Say A Little Prayer
I've never watched Glee, but I'd watch it if these guys were in it. I think it's the stomach pooch and the grease-stained t shirt that does it for me. Thanks to my friend, Mel for sending it my way. She always knows what tickles my funny bone.
The guy to the right looks like a boss I once had. "Hey Jim, is that you?"
I don't know who these guys are, but I hope they make more videos.
"I Say A Little Prayer' Starring: Josh Cheon, Jason Whipple and Mark Louque
So does anyone watch Glee? Should I add it to my tv watch list? That would bring my list to a total of two shows. I hope I can handle it.
The guy to the right looks like a boss I once had. "Hey Jim, is that you?"
I don't know who these guys are, but I hope they make more videos.
"I Say A Little Prayer' Starring: Josh Cheon, Jason Whipple and Mark Louque
So does anyone watch Glee? Should I add it to my tv watch list? That would bring my list to a total of two shows. I hope I can handle it.
I love people.
Glee, have never seen and probably will not because only watch a few things now and only on HGTV mostly, I do catch Vampire Diaries on Thursdays but since Season Finale next week after that my TV watching will be on the weekends when my hubs flips all the channels....
jackie b central texas
If it were not for my Mom being in the house with us we probably would only have High Speed Internet,it is more entertaining for me than the TV ever was. I do like my DVD movies and stuff though...
jackie b central texas