Best Laid Plans...
For the first time in 35 years, Greg and I couldn't be together on Christmas Day. I was just about to leave the house and make the five-hour trip to his house when he called and said one of our pine trees knocked down our power line. The force was so great, it ripped the meter off the house. Oy!
To add insult to injury, he couldn't come up to me because he is working for the next three days.
Of all the times to lose power, why did it have to be Christmas Day? Our biggest worry was all the food he had bought in anticipation of my arrival. I was planning on cooking a big feast, but with no power, he kept the refrigerator door shut to preserve the cold for as long as possible.
By the second day without power he was losing hope and needed his wife for comfort and support, so I made the pilgrimage down there. Bless Greg's heart, somehow he got our old generator working so we saved the food.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that it'll keep working until the electric company can restore our power--after we call an electrician first to replace the meter. A friend of ours warned us that little expense is going to be pricey, but we don't have a choice. Code demands that meters be replaced by certified electricians.
It's been a very stressful holiday.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that it'll keep working until the electric company can restore our power--after we call an electrician first to replace the meter. A friend of ours warned us that little expense is going to be pricey, but we don't have a choice. Code demands that meters be replaced by certified electricians.
It's been a very stressful holiday.
Are there any last minute things you plan to do before the year ends?
As for last minute things, I need to buy him a birthday gift :)
We used to lose our power a lot from downed trees a few years ago. Once it went out 3 minutes after I took the turkey out of the oven. Since then, the electr. company had trees trimmed.
I hope it's on soon and you have a nice New Year.
And Lynn, I hope your sweetie gets back on time safe and sound.
Jacqueline Howett Author of The Greek Seaman
Try to relax and enjoy the rest of the holiday.
My week is going to be dedicated to finishing up the wip to get it out to my crit partners. Really. An Old Year Resolution , I guess ; )
Happy New Year!
You guys have been together 35 years? Crazy. As my mom says, "The only reason your dad and I are still together is because the knives were never nearby." (Mom&Dad, married 59 years)
Ref: food
That was a huge relief because we spent a lot of money on the rib roast.
PS I love your mother. LOL! She's my kind of friend.
I got hit with a sinus infection Christmas day (it came on fast too) and even today I'm not feeling very healthy. ONe good thing, Husband did an excellent job cleaning up the livingroom after the holiday mess, so I don't have that to worry about.
No last minute things here, but I plan on opening that bottle of cheap wine I always have for the holidays.
Might need a few days to recover from New Years Eve.
Thoughts in Progress
But I am looking forward to a good New Year.
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Wishing you a healthy, happy, stress-free and prosperous new year.
We had a near problem when our car broke down a half mile from my mom's house the day Christmas but we were able to get the rest of the way to her house and my stepdad was able to fix it so we were able to drive the 2 and a half hours back home later that evening.
2011 is your year!
Dru--I hope so. :grin: