Before You Get Sick...
I had another post scheduled for today but I decided to push it to Friday and post a Must Have list for when you're sick and alone.
I pride myself in being prepared for most emergencies, but I forgot one very important rule. When you're sick, it's not enough to have Nyquil, echinacea, and hydrogen peroxide. You need your comfort things too. It makes life bearable.
This go round I'm fending off the plague all by myself, so comfy things have become especially important. Speaking from experience, these are the things every sick person should have on hand
The regular stuff
• tissues
• thermometer
• cold medicine
• hydrogen peroxide (to clean your toothbrush and gargle)
• warm, fluffy blanket. (especially nice if it just came out of the dryer)
• a supply of books or dvds depending on your alertness level
The comfy stuff
• soup--not just any old soup. Splurge. Buy soup you really, really like. It's even better if it's homemade or fresh from your favorite restaurant.
• hot chocolate
• oatmeal
• jammies (pajamas) and soft fuzzy slippers
• somebody to put you to bed and kiss you on the forehead. Moms usually do this, as do spouses. Right now I have neither. :o(
If you're like me and have responsibility to kids or animals, sometimes you have to suck it up and follow through, but I only go out long enough to feed them and come right back in. The dogs, bless their hearts have been content to sleep with me all day. Such good boys.
I live too far away for take-out but I really wish I could get some Pappadeaux's crawfish bisque.
My brain feels like slush but I think I turned the corner. It's just a plain old head cold now.
Soup and sleep are great when you’re sick and it’s nice to have someone take care of you when you’re sick. My husband isn’t very supportive, so when I get sick, he just turns into an a$$.
Stick in there, and hope you feel better soon.
But he's totally different when I've had major surgery. He's almost 'too' supportive then.
Ref: dogs
I'm so glad I have a doggie door. They go in and out as they please. A life saver.
Thoughts in Progress
It really did help.
One of our cats makes herself a living heating pad when we're not feeling well. She seeks out the affected person and curls up on them, purring all the while, even through wracking coughs. The heat and vibration is quite soothing. She'll also do this if someone is emotionally distraught, especially one of the kids.
Even a "plain head cold" can be draining. Don't over do it just because you're feeling a little better.
I think animals have a sixth sense about when we're sick and weak. Some offer comfort--others look for ways to cash in on us. :)
I have given up taken cold medicine and now exclusively hit myself with a hot Irish Whiskey toddy and lemon before bed. Generally 1-2 nights and I'm done, whereas on cold meds it's 7-9 days.
There's always a good reason to have whiskey.
Welcome to 2011 Maria, after all the holiday drama you get home and succumb to a "bug", after all the bad luck good luck is around the corner coming at you full steam ahead!
Dogs are the best comfort for me too, that and my little Tabby cat at the foot of the bed who bites my toes when they get too close to her!
jackie >_<
:pass bowl of soup:
Here's a nice tomato-basil and a warm grilled cheese.
Would you like a cup of tea?
Don't overdo it because you feel better. Keep pampering yourself.
Also, tomato soup is crucial. Hope you kick your cold soon!
In the "it could be worse" column, at least the dogs aren't sick. I'll never forget the time when my boys were young and all three of us had pnuemonia (Dad was out of town, of course). I literally crawled from bedroom to bedroom to take care of them.
Feel better soon.
I will never be able to look at orange juice the same way. LOL. I wish I had some OJ.
I know what you mean about it could be worse. Greg and I had a similar event when we both came down with stomach flu at the same time. Unfortunately we were showing rheas over at the state fair and it was time to bring them home.
Greg, brave soul that he was, fell on his sword for me and dealt with giant birds and all the smells that entails. Blech!
Yes, I'm kidding. Don't you dare drive all this way.
I'm better I think. Every night I swig Nyquil and Tank snores in my ear. I was supposed to go to Greg this weekend, but I think he's coming to me now.
For me? I don't want to be tended when I'm sick -- just leave me alone. In my case, misery does NOT love company! LOL...
Hope you're healed up.
Though right now, I can't taste much of anything.
Meghan: I think I'm getting better. But I noticed the Nyquil stopped working last night. I coughed more and had a hard time falling asleep.
I have this dream of inviting all my friends who are good cooks and having them work their magic in my kitchen. My kitchen appliances are amazing--sadly, I am not. LOL.
Marianne: I think I'm better--even if I don't sound like it. Normally, I don't like people fussing over me, but the other day when I was really dying I would've loved to have someone feed the dogs and bring me soup. All I wanted to do during the worst days was stay in bed.