Itty Bitty Blog Tour

I'm planning a new blog tour for Apocalypse Rising in May, but this one will be tiny. Ten days tops.

Except for one day, every single day has been scheduled. I was shocked. I never had to beg or anything. LOL. Most of my guest spots were promised last year. There are a couple of people who had invited me but we hadn't settled on a date yet so I might slip them in here or there, depending on whether our schedules can be synced.

I don't know if I can top the blog tour I did for True Believers, but we'll give it a try. 

What's on the agenda? Well, I'm sure my dogs are likely to make an appearance--though I'm trying hard to keep my husband from taking any more interview questions on my behalf. (So embarrassing.) And I can't do a blog tour on a book about the apocalypse without including a post on Zombie Chickens.

There'll be a couple of serious posts on marketing and networking, and I might even tackle delicate issues like marital infidelity. 

What's this? Low-down cheatin' spouses? But why, Maria?

You'll have to tune in to find out. :wink:

No matter what, I promise there will be no shilling. Just some good humor and the occasional business post.

I wouldn't mind getting some suggestions though. Is there anything special you'd like me to talk about? Should I muzzle Greg or let him chip in? Oh, Lord! What if he wants to help out with the cheatin' spouses post? I'd be done for.

Help me out. What kind of topics should I tackle?


Dru saidā€¦
I can't think of any topics right now, but I can't wait to see what happens on your tour.
Marianne Arkins saidā€¦
World building! It always fascinates me. :-)
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Dru: Yeah, I'm kinda curious what I'll come up with too. LOL.

Marianne: Ooh! Good one. I haven't talked about world building in ages.
Joanne saidā€¦
I'd enjoy anything on the technical/business side of your book ... marketing, working with an editor, platform, those sorts of things.
Libby saidā€¦
Sorry if you covered this in an earlier post, I'm a first time visitor to your blog: how did you go about getting guest spots on blogs? Did you email the bloggers or do you have a past relationship with most of them? Maybe this would make a good post? Maybe not? I don't know. Thanks!
Linda Leszczuk saidā€¦
Got to let Greg have his day. Tank and Iko too, of course.

How about one on the ups and downs of having a book published in e-form only vs. both e-form and paper, since you have both.
Marguerite Butler saidā€¦
I love hearing what inspired a particular story, so I'd love to read what inspired your newest one.

And of course, more Zombie Chicken!
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Joanne: Check and double check. :) Thanks.

Libby: Welcome! It's nice to meet you!

Your question would make an excellent post. I'll jot it down for the future. The short answer is that a goodly number of people know my blogging style and voice, so the invitations start soon after I announce a book will be forthcoming. It's more relationship than anything else. But in the beginning, I had to be brave and ask around. There are a couple of doozy stories to tell about that. I will definitely write a post on how to ask for a guest spot.

Linda: Woman! Don't go feeding Greg's ego. I don't think I can handle it. LOL!

What would one of my blog tours be without zombie chickens--and the occasional scorpion story?
Kaye Manro saidā€¦
World building sounds good-- and anything SF techie would be good too.

(If you have any dates open at all and would like to blog with me, I'd love it. I am open before May, or even after your regular blog tour ends. Email me-- I promise to be around this time! From one SFR author to another, if nothing else, I can at least promo your release date.)
Barbara Ann Wright saidā€¦
Low-down cheating zombie chickens. That's my vote.
Karen Jones Gowen saidā€¦
I always enjoy your posts so whatever topics you choose will be interesting as ever! Good luck on the blog tour!
Sherri saidā€¦
You know you're always welcome to visit my blog :)

My fingers are itching to get this one, just itching I tell you!
Terri Osburn saidā€¦
Hope you'll fit the Revenge in if you have an open date. Though we don't seem to pull in many commenters these days. It's getting grim!

Just read the hubby takeover and I say you have to let him play. That was hysterical!
Jackie saidā€¦
Maria is it May yet? LOL Looking forward to this blog tour as the last one was hilarity in the reading!
Jenny Schwartz saidā€¦
Maria, your True Believers blog tour was so much fun -- laughter and useful advice -- so not to put the pressure on at all, but ... high expectations here! :)

PS Hope you're feeling better and the weather is warming up.
Angelina Rain saidā€¦
I canā€™t wait for your blog tour, all the post sound interesting. If you ever need an extra spot for your tour, my blog is always open.
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Kaye: 2 votes for world building. :) I'll email you this weekend.

Barbara: I can tell you stories about them two-timing chickens.

KarenG: Thanks, hon.

Sherri: I promise you, I pulled no punches. People suffer terribly, that's all I'm sayin'. Oh, and the hero ends up with two wimmen. You ain't seen fireworks until you read this story. :)

Terri: Yes. The husband is good for a few laughs--usually at my expense.

Jackie: I hope I can pull it off.

Jenny: Ref: no pressure
Oh great. Now I won't sleep nights.

Angelina: Thank you, sweetie!

ALL: I am so behind right now. Garden, incubators and painting. I'll try to catch up on everyone's blog by tomorrow.
Ellie Garratt saidā€¦
I'm looking forward to your blog tour - yay!

Maybe you could discuss your editing process?
Misha Gerrick saidā€¦
Can't wait for your tour to start.

As for topics, I'm not really that picky. So I'll just see what you can come up with.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I like the sound of Low-down cheatin' spouses? :O)
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Ellie: That'll come up from time to time in regular posts.

Misha: I'll try to be my most amusing. :)

Madeleine: I hope it comes out the way I planned. LOL.
Melissa McClone saidā€¦
Okay, 10 stops sounds totally intimidating. I had Goddess Fish take one of mine out so I only had to do nine! Looking forward to whatever you talk about!
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Melissa: There were almost a month's worth of stops for True Believers. Almost killed me. But I learned a lot.
Abigail Sharpe saidā€¦
Hi, Maria!

I read your comments on smart girls love sci fi and thought I'd pop over to your blog to see what you talk about. If you want to add another date to your blog tour, you're welcome to guest on The topic will be easy - anything you do in your kitchen. It doesn't have to be writing related. It could also be something your characters do in their kitchens.

Let me know! We'd love to have you. The site isn't all about cooking and recipes. Okay, most of it is, but not all. :)
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Thanks for the offer, Abigail! I'm really overstretched though. Let me email you offline and see if we can't work something out for the next book.
Abigail Sharpe saidā€¦
Sounds like a plan. abigail.writes @ yahoo-dot-com, or you can just comment on the site.

I tried to find a way to subscribe by email to your site but couldn't find one - do you have email subscriptions?
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Thanks, Abigail. I'll contact you soon.

At the very bottom of this blog there's a link that says: Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)

I think that will send it to email. At least it does for Outlook.

Something I should look into.