Linky Love

A little link salad to end the week.

Long and Short Reviews is giving away a Nook, Kindle or $150 GC -- are you playing?  -- and, yes, you CAN go back and comment on earlier posts for more entries!! Contest ends April 30! Good luck!
(I won my Nook from Long and Short Reviews. Best thing I ever won!)

HB Moore is looking for reviewers for her newest book, AMMON.
I'm not Mormon but I've read Heather's books and they're really good. If you enjoy books about faith, check out the link and contact her.


Linda Leszczuk has a call for submissions for the first issue of Small Tales. Submissions will close on May 31, 2011. Go here for more information.


Tomorrow is the last day to buy True Believers at a 15% discount. Just use coupon code BESTOFCARINA at Checkout. Offer is valid until April 30, 2011, 11:59 p.m. EDT. (Please feel free to tweet that if you get a chance.)


Do we have any book reviewers out there? Apocalypse Rising is now available from NetGalley.

I am so nervous about this book. It's a sequel, so the big elephant in the room is: Can it stand alone or do you have to read the first book? I'm hoping people will buy both to get the full apocalyptic effect. :grin:


And finally...

Wills and Kate are jumping the broom. I have to admit, I find the whole royalty thing a bit pretentious, but we have nothing on that level here, so it's fun to watch. Getting married is hard enough as it is without a billion people watching. I wish the young couple well. I hope they have a grand life together.

Do you have any links or news to add? Do tell.

What do you think of all the royal pageantry? Would you be willing to have your whole life on display?


Thanks for the linky-love :-)

Wishing Kate and William lots of luck! They have several years together already behind them, so I have high hopes :-)
Jennifer Shirk saidā€¦
GREAT links!

Yes, the whole wedding is a bit petentious but fun. Best of luck to them--but I wouldn't want to be on display like that. :)
Sarah Ahiers saidā€¦
ooh, i'm checking out some of those links RIGHT NOW!
Joanne saidā€¦
I recently got a Nook, and love it too. I've read books on it since that I would never have read without it, so it has my vote.

And best wishes to the married couple. I understand the pageantry, but wow, what a lot to have to handle, forever and ever now!

Happy Friday to you :)
Ellie Garratt saidā€¦
Thanks for the links!

I'm not normally a Royalist but I did enjoy watching all the pomp and ceremony, and I wish them well.
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
LASR: I'm such a troglodyte. If I hadn't of won the ereader who knows how long I would've remained ignorant of its wonder.
Thank you again!

Jennifer: The bride was so pretty. I absolutely adored the dress.

Sarah: Good luck. The reader truly was the best thing I've ever won.

Joanne: I was pleased to see how Kate and Will brought it down to a more reasonable level. Loved that they drove an Aston Martin to the other residence.

Ellie: Don't you live in London? I imagine it was impossible to move around much. Very exciting though.
Angelina Rain saidā€¦
Thanks for the greats links. I'll have to check some of them out. Can't wait to read AR.
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Thanks, Angelina. Do let me know what you think, good, bad or indifferent.
Jackie saidā€¦
Congratulations on the countdown to AR, May 9th is closer!

To be part of the "royal family" at all would be such a bother and a nuisance but for people today to make such a big deal out of the wedding of William and Kate amuses me, the pageantry and the pomp and circumstance do not mean the marriage will fail or last all that matters in the end is the two young people who are finally tying the knot...
However you are right Maria we can enjoy the spectacle and all I can say is just thank our lucky stars to be normal everyday people who do not have to live our own lives in the fish bowl that apparently goes along with the lineage of being a royal in England!
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Jackie: Fishbowl! That's the word I was looking for. I cannot think of a worse life. Yes, it's all pretty and the wealth is nothing to sneeze at, but the trade-off is too great.

I like my independence and isolation. The idea of someone else telling me how to live my life would be ridiculous.
Linda Leszczuk saidā€¦
Hey, thanks for the link love. I just returned the favor by putting the True Believers link on my Facebook page. Hoping it catches some last minute notice.
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Oh, wow! Thanks, Linda!
Mike Keyton saidā€¦
I enjoy the pageantry, the schmalz, the history, the stupid commentators filling in gaps with guff, I love the whole business, and most of all I love watching the Duke of Edinburgh's face and reliving some of his wonderful verbal gaffes over the years. If you're ever searching for an elderly character - he's your man.

Oh, and the dress was good too, though I preferred the trees in the Abbey and the Archbishop of Canterbury's eyebrows.
Sherri saidā€¦
Speaking of AR...I promised blog space. I see a pre-order on Amazon but no cover pic...what's up with that? You want to shoot the blurb over to me?

CAN NOT WAIT for this...going to re-read ToF so the story is fresh for the 9th :)
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Mike: I loved that dress! I'm not a clothes fanatic at all, but the designer outdid herself. The trees and the Aston Martin were great touches too.

Ref: Duke of Edinburgh
I used to think he did some of those things deliberately to alleviate the tedium. :)
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Sherry: I am really looking forward to your feedback since you read Touch Of Fire. I want to know if I led the heroes to a logical conclusion.

Amazon and B&N are so slow in updating ebooks. Chances are good they won't be updated until at least it releases.

Although Carina has its own blurb, (, I use a shorter one:

The only place to hide was in the past. Leda and Grey have one chance to escape a madman and thatā€™s through a portal to a time before the apocalypse. But nothing has prepared them for 21st century culture, and every misstep draws them closer to the End Times. The world is teetering on extinction, and they may very well be the cause of it.

Thank you for always being so supportive of me. {{hugs}}
Unknown saidā€¦
I am a Royalist, I admit it. Always have been. Must be a past life thing. :P

I would like to tweet the link about the story. Do you think that would be okay? Or this whole post?
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Link away, Darke. Thanks!