What was she smoking?
I don't smoke pot, but sometimes I wonder if my alter ego does. I've always had the most enigmatic dreams, aka, weird dreams.
I've had them all my life so I never think them odd until I repeat them to someone else. Most of the time they appear like a series of commercials, playing so quickly, I scarcely remember them. And then there are the recurring dreams.
Dream #1: I'm in a large, older home. Although it's unfamiliar to me, I know it belongs to me. I'm wandering from room to room and discover a closed door that leads into a huge shed with shelves from floor to ceiling. The shelves are stocked neatly with all manner of things; toys, tools, books, and contraptions I can't identify.
Because I have this strange ability to take on the point of of view of every character and thing in a dream, I know each item has been waiting patiently for me to arrive so they can tell me their stories. I can almost hear them.
I'm anxious to start exploring when someone outside calls me. I walk out to see who it is but when I turn back, the door to the shed is locked--or worse, ceases to exist. I wake up frustrated.
Dream #2: I'm in the Olympics! Stranger still, I'm on the swim team. (In real life, I swim like a rock.) Here I am with all these Olympic class swimmers and the starting bell goes off. We kick off, but instead of swimming I reach the other end of the pool from one tremendous kick alone. I hardly ever win the meet, but I'm always among the top three.
For some reason the judges don't seem to care that I'm not swimming, as long as I reach the marks. The other thing that's strange is that I keep telling everyone I can't swim, but no one believes me. They pat me on the back and tell me to give it all I've got. (It makes me laugh that I've never drowned.)
For some reason the judges don't seem to care that I'm not swimming, as long as I reach the marks. The other thing that's strange is that I keep telling everyone I can't swim, but no one believes me. They pat me on the back and tell me to give it all I've got. (It makes me laugh that I've never drowned.)
Dream #3: This one is my only nightmare, and the only one whose meaning I understand. I dream that I'm out checking my animals, but realize to my horror that I have another set of animals in pens farther back that I have not checked in days! I'm frantic as I race back to check on them. Some are dead, others dying of thirst or lack of food. I always wake up with my heart pounding.
What this means: Someone in my menagerie is either sick or about to get sick. This dream has NEVER failed to warn me of impending problems. I check everyone thoroughly--including Greg.
Around here the animals always get fed first. Then Greg. Then me. So the dream isn't so much telling me I've ignored my animals, but that something is amiss.
As I get older, I remember my dreams less and less, but these particular dreams have stayed with me for decades.
This was last nights dream:
Several women have gone to a local cathedral. Hidden in the bell tower are dozens of large rooms with hundreds of bridal dresses. The MC decides to steal the most beautiful dress there, and they all put on the dresses and sneak out before the clergy catch them.
When she gets home the theft is on the news, and a helicopter is out looking for the thieves. One reporter say, 'As long as they are not stupid enough to wear them in public, they won't get caught.'
Cut to the balcony of a block of friends. Three of the women go out in the stolen dresses and throw their flowers to the street below.
The MC knows it's all over.
Wonder what it means?
Ref: 3rd person pov
And I thought I was all alone! Thank goodness. People are always telling me that's not possible.
If I could venture a guess on your dream, I'd say all the women who stole the dresses want to get married. The three who show off want to make their intentions public, but the MC doesn't want anyone to know and she's ticked one of her friends could 'out' her.
My last dream was a fantastic futuristic Sci-Fi. We were a country at war, and the goverment wanted to strategically place their soldiers throughout so as to fully cover and protect the streets. To do this they devised a 'Fostering Service' and anyone with a spare room had to house a soldier. But this then caused uproar amoung the people due to Invasion of Privacy and there were riots in the streets. I stood my ground, wanting to serve my country the best way I could (and it had nothing to do with the fact that these soldiers were rather manly and...erm...wearing rather little...lol)
So not only were we a country at war with another, we were also a country in the throughs of cival war.
I enjoyed it... might even turn it into a short story.
Ref: (and it had nothing to do with the fact that these soldiers were rather manly and...erm...wearing rather little...lol)
Oh yeah, DRC. It had nothing to do with their manly bits. LOL!
I need to borrow YOUR dreams. :)
Lately I'm dreaming archetypes - a minor royal (who I'm no fan of) and a journalist/writer, with whom I either totally agree or totally disagree.
do you have reoccuring places in your dreams? I do, like a field i've been to in multiple different dreams (and in those dreams i'll even say, "hey, last time i was here it was in this other dream.
I think the swimming dream might symbolize your success. Youāre successful but somewhere in your subconscious you donāt think you deserve it. Thatās why in the dream you are one of the top 3 swimmers although you donāt actually swim. (I could be completely wrong though.)
I have a lot of strange dreams. Mine actually play out like a movie. The most recent weird dream Iāve had was that I stumbled in on my husband cheating on me. That destroyed me so I grabbed a gun and shot his mistress and him. So I wouldnāt go to jail, I went into hiding, and started running from the law. About ten years later, I changed my appearance and changed my name. I became a model and posed nude for a sculptor, who then sold the sculptures to the city of Chicago. Then I moved back to Chicago and rented an apartment. I learned that my husband is my next door neighbor but he didnāt recognize me. He was married to the mistress but he was hitting on me. I turned him down but kept thinking about how every street corner has a sculpture of a naked me. For the rest of his life he will be faced with images of me and get turned on by me and never even know it. Talk about WEIRD!
Sarah: You have to wonder why a particular location. Why does it keep leading you there even when the dream is different. Very cool though.
Angelina: LOL. Your dream sounds like it might be your next book. You won't ever lack for ideas with dreams like those.
KarenG: The older I get, the less I remember. Just another reminder of my age. Thanks, brain. LOL.
Sounds to me like there're some stories clammering to get out.
I do think dreams have meaning, but not always. My sisters dream of my dead parents, and I'm envious they're able to visit with them virtually!
My youngest has been trying to have lucid dreams, where she tries to control what's going on. She says it works sometimes. Last night's dream was about running from The Flame of Eternal Suffering and scaled a building :)
I think dreams can sometimes be brilliant as a starting point for a story
Joanne: I think that true too. I don't take anything I dream literally, but I'm sure my subconscious is trying to sort something out in its own twisted way. That and the dogs. :)
Cate: It would be nice to commune with our dead relatives through our dreams. I'd like to think we can, anyway.
Cathy: I'm a big fan of lucid dreaming. I used to do it a lot when I was a kid to drive away the 'monsters'. It does work!
Mike: I wish my dreams were in color. Because they're not, I pay extra attention to the one item that is in color.
Do you dream in color or black and white? I used to wonder about this. Usually there's not much color involved in my dreaming but last night there was red.
Dru: Just goes to prove our subconscious is always working even when we're not. :)
Shelly: My dreams are all in grays. But like you, one item will show up in color. I have to assume that item is important somehow, but I'm never sure how.
Steven: Now you're scaring me. LOL. Life is scary enough. I'd rather my dreams not scare me too. But it's great that you write them down. I wish I did--I'm just too lazy.
Jackie: Lucky girl! I hope you have a wonderful time!!
Anyway, aside from my recurring Clive dreams, which vary in content but always have the same ending ";)", I have this weird dream about the Ropers, remember them from Three's Company? I won't get into details, because the dream is seriously messed up and I don't know that I really want to interpret it, but basically they're cannibals and me and those close to me are cut up in their freezer discussing how to escape. We never do, after all we're body parts in ziploc bags, but yeah, that's essentially the dream. It's very disturbing and I've been having it since I was a child. I don't know why. The people in the freezer vary, depending on who is in my life, but my parents have always been in there and lately the kids. Awful. It sounds so funny, but I wake up crying sometimes. Nuts.
Did you really need proof I was insane? No, I didn't think so.
Mostly in my dreams I have some job to do, I might own a business or could be teaching - I'd like to have a dream one night were I just get to rest, that'd be nice.
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