Maria it was so violent here yesterday morning the peace and quiet today was a welcome relief. Your Internet and mine come from the same womb, my connection was bad on my phone all day until about an hour ago and have not been on my computer at all. Mom had her eye measured today, surgery on the cataract is on the Second and am glad when that is behind her.
I've been out of touch, too, but just life, not computer problems. But hope the storms aren't doing too much damage. Here in South Jersey we've got early summer. Been really warm for this time of year.
Stacy: The tornadoes missed us, so I'm happy.
Angela: It's always the long wade into the email backlog that depresses me.
Mike: Cute. I should've been singing that song.
Sarah: Greg got hit worse than I did over on the coast. Most of Texas got slammed with huge front.
Mom had her eye measured today, surgery on the cataract is on the Second and am glad when that is behind her.
I'm glad for the weather relief too. It was bad all over the place.
Oh, and love your kitchen!
Shelley: It does look that way, doesn't it? And I received news today that salted the wound. More about that on tomorrow's post.