Mistress of the Stone, Cover Reveal
Since the cover is on the web site, I guess it's safe to show it to everyone now. How does it look?
At first, I was very disappointed. It wasn't at all what I hoped for. Some of you know I design a little on the side and have 30+ years of graphic design experience to boot. So you can imagine the conversations that revolved around this cover.

The cover model wears too much makeup, making her look older than the nineteen-year-old heroine inside the book (imo). At least she looks Portuguese/Spanish, so that works in her favor.
I will give the art staff credit though. Whether they did it consciously or not, they're following a trend for cooler colors according to this study tracking movie poster colors.
Also, I noticed when the thumbnail cover art is up next to the thumbnail of Fifty Shades of Grey, it looks remarkably similar in movement and tonal value. I wonder if that was deliberate--and more importantly, if it will sell books.
It is what it is, and while it's not what I would've designed, it works. I just hope it attracts the right audience. The official release date is August 28. Not long now.
What do you think? Do you think the cooler colors help it?
I am FINALLY going to have a contest to welcome my other blog, Getting Back to Basics. If you're not following Back to Basics or its sister site, The Frugal Way Facebook page, do it now. It'll earn you five extra points if you follow or Like the page before the contest begins June 27.
This contest will run one solid month until July 27th. The winners (yes, multiple winners) will be announced on Tuesday, July 31st.
Details will air on Back to Basics tomorrow, Tuesday, 6-26-2012.
On June 27th, I will also welcome my first guest blogger to Back to Basics. Cheryl Alldredge will be giving you the scoop on farmers' markets. You won't want to miss it!
On June 27th, I will also welcome my first guest blogger to Back to Basics. Cheryl Alldredge will be giving you the scoop on farmers' markets. You won't want to miss it!
But congrats on getting closer to publication!
I sure hope cooler colors help sell books because my July 27th release is also on the cool side. It's all black, grey, and white with a hint of blue. I had asked the cover artist to make it like that though because I cried while writing the book and my editor cried while editing it, so I figured cool colors are more fitting for a sad book.
I like crisp
I like reach out and slap you color.
I'd love to see what you would have used.
The cooler blues suggest paranormal to me. So does the glowing stone. The makeup does make her look older but I think it's okay.
The nice thing is that even a small cover (like for ebooks) will still stand out.
Congrats Maria! Can't wait to pick this one up.
Looking forward to your guest post on farmer's markets...I know I don't take full advantage of the couple we have here.
However, it's nearly impossible to find proper, accurate stock images of anything resembling historical outfits. Oftentimes, people are colouring wedding dresses in images. So, I do cut folks a lot of slack because of it.
But, yeah, that makeup is so not working for me. But, like I said, I cut historical covers a lot of slack :)
I'm with you, though, that the model's wearing a bit too much makeup, so it seems like she's in her early 20s instead of 19
Angelina: I think the cooler colors make it more melancholy. Does she get her man or doesn't she.
R Mac: I had some ideas ready to roll, but I didn't think Samhain would allow me to design my own so I didn't want to go through all the work for nothing.
--and hey, be careful down there in Florida. Stay away from Debby's wrath.
Mike: Aw, you're just saying that cuz you know how it ends. LOL. Thanks, Mike!
Clarissa: I had asked for a tall ship, so I'm glad they included one.
Raelyn: I was looking for ethnic, but I'll settle for exotic.
Ref: farmers' markets
I feel like a better human being when I buy stuff at a farmers' market. It's like punching Monsanto in the nose.
Krista: Well part of the fun of a novel about pirates is that pirates are apt to 'liberate' fashions from all over the world, which would've been fun to explore. Alas, not this book.
Sarah: It was important to me that she look Hispanic so I'm glad for that. When we enter the story she's barely 19 (and full of the devil).
Barbara: Thanks! At least one comment went through. I'll check the spam filter in case anything else got stuck.
Melissa: I may have to start calling her the "tart". LOL.
Linda: They showed me an alternate version in red and I really hated that one. It had a crinkle finish and it made the cover model look like a hag.
Jenny: Time will tell if the 'buy me' message is in there.
Marking August 28 on my calendar. My real one, not this one I never look at on my computer. Oh wait, my phone gives alerts. Let's just figure out how to do that....
This cover reminds me of the ongoing trend of the girl doing the over-the-shoulder move. I'll have to look at it a few more times. I'm sure it will grow on me.
PS That heavy makeup bugs me. It looks so out of place in a historical.
Angela: I've learned to divorce myself from my work the moment I sign a contract. Once it goes to the publisher, all you can do is "suggest" edits or art. The final decision rests with them. C'est la vie.
Congratulations on release date upcoming and am looking forward to reading your latest story someday.
Looking forward to Charlie's guest post too!
Anna: LOL. I love making up those product warnings. This one was actually a conglomeration between the editor and me.
Shelley: I guess we'll see how it sells. :crossing fingers:
I hope it sells millions! :)
It is what it is. There's no changing it now.