It's Coming

Hope everyone had a great holiday. I decided to take some time off since I was still recovering from bronchitis. It worked out so well, I may do it again next New Year holiday whether I'm sick or not.

Even if I've been laying low, I haven't been idle. I've put together an ebook of marketing ideas, and an easy to follow punch list of things to do before you self-publish.

This book is absolutely FREE

It's a collection of some of my experiences in publishing, including updated posts from my Killer Campaign series. At the back of the book, it also has a list of resources.

I won't start giving the book away until Thursday so be sure to come back for the link.

How did I come up with this? A couple of months ago, I was browsing a folder full of articles I had written for my blog and other sites, and I thought, wow, that's a lot of information.

Since I want to promote my cover design business, Book Cover Diva, what better giveaway than an ebook chock full of ideas for the indie author? I wish I had this list when I started self-publishing. It might've saved me some hair.

I'm very pleased with how it turned out. I hope you'll like it too.

In the meantime, what do you think of the cover? Does it stand out?


Your turn! What are you working on right now? What one thing (writing-related or not) do you want to accomplish in 2013? Let me know and I'll throw some Karma-dust your way.

I've talked to some of you recently, and several of you are sick. Poor babies. I know you feel bad. If you're still under the weather, I hope you're in bed and staying warm. Keep drinking fluids.

This year, we have plans for expansion for the homestead. Along with goats, we may also get rabbits. And darn it, I still want my worm farm. My goal this year is to get the gardens more nutrient-dense. There are other projects too, but I don't want to scare Greg off with all the work I plan. :wink:

We'll just keep that between us.


Mike Keyton said…
That is one great cover, and a clever marketing tool for your other project. Good luck for 2013, Maria
definitely an eye-catching cover.

I'll certainly be back Thursday. I may have already punched the Publish button sixteen times...but I certainly still feel like a virgin with all of this.

- Mac
Looking forward to the book! I plan to punch the Publish button more frequently this year, and this book looks like it'll be very helpful!
Maria Zannini said…
Mike: Oh, good. I'm glad the cover worked for you. Thanks!
Maria Zannini said…
Mac: I don't think I ever feel confident that I did everything right. LOL. This is why I keep a checklist of things to do as I get ready to publish.

There are so many little bits of data to gather--and that's not counting the document itself.
Stacy McKitrick said…
Cover looks great, and I'll be back for that link. I may end up doing the self-pub thing this year.
Maria Zannini said…
Sandra! How do you feel, hon? I hope you took the day off work.

Ref: self-publishing
My biggest concern right now is formatting for the new Kindle Paperwhite. It seems to freeze the font and size to a tiny sans serif default.

Kindle says it's not a glitch, but I beg to differ. If they want to upgrade their machines that's fine, but it should least accept the files as they instructed in the first place.
Maria Zannini said…
Stacy: I hope you find it useful. I think there will be some new bits of information for everyone.
Luanne G. Smith said…
Yeah, I'll be back Thursday to take a look. Cover is definitely eye-catching. :)

I don't know if I'll self-publish or not, but the likelihood is there, so this would be a great thing to have.
Maria Zannini said…
Luanne: Way before I began to self-publish, I collected information from the indie experts of the time.

Even though some of the information was dated by the time I published, some of it came in handy. Learning from someone else's life experience makes the bumps and bruises less painful. :)
Anonymous said…
Yep, very eye catching. I did wonder at the wording straight off but then it is early here...
Maria Zannini said…
Makoiyi: Thanks, Sue.
Unknown said…
Great concept and cover Maria! You have to be ready to tangle, that's for sure. :-D
LD Masterson said…
It's a great cover and a smart tie in to the Book Cover Diva.

I'll be looking forward to hearing about all the homestead expansions. (And you should have a worm farm.)

My goal for 2013? Forward progress. Of any kind. Shouldn't be that hard but...
Maria Zannini said…
EJ: If I can save one person from deluding himself that this is easy, my work is done. :)
Maria Zannini said…
Linda: I was made for worm farming! They're cattle I can wrangle. LOL.
Sarah Ahiers said…
I think the cover is great! And i know a few writers that could definitely benefit by this book. I will be spreading the word!
And today is the first day i actually feel close to normal. Phew!
I hope you (and tank and gang) are doing and feeling well!
That cover looks awesome! Stands right out. Good luck with it.

I'm still plugging away at writing. ^_^
Angela Brown said…
I must admit, I like it. The use of stretch and pull, the boxer giving the pic the "Put out a knockout book" frame of mind...well thought out.

And having all the information in one place is great as well. Plus, being free makes it all the more better. There's so much out there for free, but having it consolidated like this is helpful.

As for what I'm doing, I'm laying low blog-wise for the month of January. Been slow-reading (because I'm a slow reader lol!!) and trying to fast type because I have a couple of MS ideas I'm trying to get going as well as some short stories and novellas I'd like to make some progress on. So busy, busy with the writing and total slug regarding blog visits and commenting. Hope to get back to norm by February :-) Whatever norm is now lol!!
Unknown said…
I so want to snap this book up! Can't wait for it to go live!

I haven't been sick (thank the Goddess), but Husband is dealing with the cold from... It's going on three weeks now that he's been stuffed up. :(

As for 2013, I'm hoping some plans fall into place. Would be a real boost for my paranormal series.
Maria Zannini said…
Sarah: Poor kid. You got hit hard. I'm glad you're better.

Maria Zannini said…
Barbara: And you've got your other book coming out in May! Sounds like another busy year for you.
Maria Zannini said…
Angela: I was thinking about how transient blog posts, FB updates, and tweets were. If you miss one day, it's gone, replaced by the next new thing.

I think the book will be helpful to me too. Now I won't have to search all over my database for links and files.
Maria Zannini said…
Darke: I hope you'll find it useful.

Ref: your hubby
Oh, I feel for him. Once that bug takes hold it's hard to shake.

Hope he gets better soon.

PS Now you've got me curious about your plans. :)
Jennifer Shirk said…
The cover looks great! Striking and different. :-)
Unknown said…
Great cover. Really grabs me.

Good luck with the design service. Your work is awesome, so I hope you can connect with all those indie authors out there!

Sounds like you have some big plans for this year!
Great cover. Good luck with expanding the homestead. Sounds like a good plan.
Carol Kilgore said…
What a great idea, and how wonderful of you to share. I'm working on the final details of Solomon's Compass so it can launch on April 2.
Anonymous said…
I agree, the cover is wonderful! I hope the book does well. And I hope you return to full health very soon.

I'm hard at work for my plans for 2013. I've just published my fantasy novel, Moon Over Donamorgh in December. I hope to have a paranormal romance, Worlds Apart, on the shelves by June. In the meantime, I'm working on Honor System, the third book of The Time Travel Journals series. Both of the first two books are selling well, but need much more activity in order to make any bestseller lists!
Maria Zannini said…
Jennifer: I like different. People remember that. :o)
Maria Zannini said…
Charlee: I'm probably moving slower than I should but I want to make sure everything is in place before I make promises. I love design. And I want to create beautiful, haunting, and unforgettable covers.
Maria Zannini said…
Susan: I am so excited about our homestead projects. 2012 was a test on where we needed to improve our gadgets, processes, and land.
Maria Zannini said…
Carol: I can't see charging people for things I'd share anyway. This is a tough business. I'd like to see us pull together.
Maria Zannini said…
Marlene: Yay! More time travel stories. I am an absolute glutton for time travel stories.

I hope your success continues!
James Garcia Jr said…
Hey, Maria. Yes, the cover is eye-catching. And speaking of covers... Hmm? I will be in need of one this spring. I just came from your site. Perhaps I'll have to send you a e-mail about that. Right now I'm working on a paranormal romance ghost story which I think could really get me an audience that the horror stuff isn't... I will certainly keep you in mind,my friend.

Angelina Rain said…
LOVE the cover and I can't wait to read it. I'm always looking for new info on the publishing industry and it will help when I eventually self publish something or other.
Anonymous said…
The cover and title work wonderfully well together. And what a resource! I can't wait to read it.

A box, some dirt, and a few hard can it be? You're wonder-homesteader :D
Maria Zannini said…
Jimmy: You know where I live. Right next to the scorpions and crazy chickens. Email me any time.
Maria Zannini said…
Angelina: You guys are getting me excited. I hope it's helpful.
Maria Zannini said…
Raelyn: If I could sew I'd make myself a skimpy costume with a chicken on the top.

I wish you could visit! It should get pretty busy here in a few months.
Misha Gerrick said…
Sorry to hear about the bronchitis. Hope you feel better soon.

I love the idea of your book!

For this year, I'd be thrilled if I managed to get an agent. :-D If not, I'll probably be using your book by October or so. ;-)

Unknown said…
Maria, that is a fantastic cover! Love it. And I think it's a great idea for promoting the book cover business. Good luck with your worm farm. I've got an ambitious project too--to finish a waterfalls project I started 8 years ago.
Maria Zannini said…
Misha: It's always good to have a back up plan. I hope you get that agent.
Maria Zannini said…
Jim: LOL. How big is this waterfall? I wanted a little one years ago, but it never happened. Now I'll settle for a deep well to irrigate my fields.
Cate Masters said…
Love that cover - her determination's excellent. Wish I had a copy of it a few years ago too! Thanks for sharing.
Hm, only one thing for the year? lol Then I'll wish my family to stay healthy and happy.
I've always wondered if it would be difficult to keep goats - you'll have to let me know how it goes!
Maria Zannini said…
Cate: Oh, Lord, Cate. I still remember a certain someone who was crying on your doorstep because she couldn't get her art to lock in place.

There are so many little things that you just learn from trial and error--at least until the distributors change their format. Oy!

Ref: goats
I'm reminded of a goat breeder I spoke to once. He said all goats do is look for some way to die.

I hope he was kidding.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for putting that up for free. Raelyn Barclay sent me your way. I'm gearing up to self-publish my first novel at the end of the month. Looking for all the help I can get! Hope you feel better and good luck with the homestead improvements/expansion.

Melanie Macek
Maria Zannini said…
Melanie: Nice to meet you, Melanie! This book will be a good test for me.

Aside from the checklist, I hope people will write me and tell me what else they want to see or what they'd like me to expand upon for the next time I update the book.

Gwen Gardner said…
I think the cover is awesome, Maria! Very eye-catching. Thanks for the freebie.

I'm editing my second novel and just started writing a novella.

Oh, and then there's my new indie business - but you know about that :)
Renee Miller said…
Wow, do you ever stop working? I've crawled out from under my rock and now I feel quite lazy. :)
Katrina Monroe said…
Very cool cover. I'll definitely be coming back for the link.
Maria Zannini said…
Gwen: Is the sequel to Giving Up the Ghost?

I'm going to let the cat out of the bag tomorrow about you--and me. :)
Maria Zannini said…
Renee: Well, I was mostly dead for two full weeks so I feel like I'm behind. If I can just get the last couple of jobs off my desk, I'll breathe easier.
Maria Zannini said…
Katrina: Glad you popped in! Tomorrow, not only does the book go live but I'll also be making an announcement for more goodies.
Shelley Munro said…
I love the cover, Maria. I think it's perfect with the boxing gloves. Sorry to hear you've been ill, and I hope you're feeling better now.

Good luck with all your new projects. What will you do with the bunnies? Eat them? Yikes!

Hubby and I are flitting off as much as we can this year, and meantime I have a heap of writing projects on the go. Busy, busy!
Maria Zannini said…
Shelley: Now you know not to ask me what happens to the bunnies. LOL.

PS You fit more into one year than most people do in a lifetime. You go, girl.