In the Studio

Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends! It's Columbus Day in the US.

Still not feeling 100% so I thought I'd show you a couple of designs I just finished. 


Dead Stock, by Tim Hall is a cozy mystery. It's about Bert Shambles, a guy who picks up 'dead stock', (the leftovers from retailers) and resells them to vintage boutiques, solving mysteries along the way. 

It hasn't released yet, but the author has already done his cover reveal so it's safe to show.

This next piece is a web site banner. I know. I don't have web site graphics listed on Book Cover Diva, but I've done several designs already. If you can upload them yourself, I can design them for you.

This particular piece of art is for Michelle Lowhorn and her new romantic suspense series involving teachers and detectives/ex-military. I thought it was a great concept.

Lots more on the docket so I'd better get back to work. ...but after I feed the beasties outside. They insist.

Do you have the day off today? What's on the agenda?


Mike Keyton said…
I like the fact that in just the two you show, the cover art is distinct and different from the other.

My week has started slow with a nosebleed. I'm walking about with my head in the air like an extra from Downton Abbey
Maria Zannini said…
Re: I'm walking about with my head in the air like an extra from Downton Abbey

ROTFL! You might consider applying for a role. Hope the nosebleed stops soon though. They're a nuisance.
Anne Gallagher said…
Finally have a day off from school, so I'm sitting at my nice messy desk, doing a quick blast with social media and the "Richard" and I are going to get back to work on his story.

Hope you're feeling better.

Oh, love the cover! And the header isn't bad either. I like her tagline.
Maria Zannini said…
Re: banner
I left room on the banner in case the author wanted to add something, but she was happy with it as it was.
Sarah Ahiers said…
That's totally awesome that you do website banners too! Maybe some day in the future I'll avail myself of your services
Angela Brown said…
That is a very eye catching book cover. Really makes you wonder how the fella got that way. Thanks for sharing a bit of your design work.

As for Columbus day, it's a day off for the Chipmunk but now me.
Le sigh.

Back to the grind.

Cool cover.

Everyone's working, here. Lunch is over...better get to it *wave*
LD Masterson said…
Hmm. Killed while holding a golf club. Smells like the wife to me.

Nice work, as always. I get great compliments on the business cards you did for me.

Feel better.
I'm retired so, yea, I have the day off. Lots of work to do though, mowing the grass and still dealing with cleaning the basement after last week's flooding. Yuch.
Maria Zannini said…
Sarah: By the sound of it, you're heading for a bright 2014. :)
Maria Zannini said…
Angela: That cover was fun to do because I had to design a golf club--which happens to be pivotal to the story--around a dead body.
Maria Zannini said…
Mac: No rest for the wicked, eh? ;-)
Maria Zannini said…
Linda: I'm not telling. ;-) But the golf club is important.
Maria Zannini said…
Susan: Tell me the truth. You're busier now than when you were working at the day job, aren't you?

It's amazing how fast those jobs you kept putting off come back to haunt you after you retire.

Sorry to hear about the basement mess. No doubt that'll be a yucky job.
Unknown said…
Very nice cover and banner! As for what I'm doing, taking a bit of a breather from cooking. I've made two pumpkin pies (from scratch), and just finished basting the Cornish Hens for the second time.

And the weather up here is gorgeous! Went for a long walk yesterday down by the lake. I'll post some pics on my blog later on.
Maria Zannini said…
Darke: I'll bet your house smells amazing right now.

Happy Thanksgiving, hon. I hope the boys clean up for you after dinner. :)
Dru said…
Hope you feel better soon.

Love them both.
Maria Zannini said…
Thanks, Dru. I got waylaid with a sinus headache on top of the sore throat, but I'm sure it'll pass as soon as the storm front moves through.
Anonymous said…
I love the versatility of your designs!

I'm glad you're on the mend. Feel better soon.
Shelley Munro said…
These are great, Maria. I like both of them. Excellent concepts. I'm hip deep in edits. I sent those off today and need to tackle a galley next.
I can't believe I missed this post. I suck. That cover looks great. I always point friends needing covers to you.
Maria Zannini said…
Raelyn: That's probably the most difficult aspect of this job. Every artist has a "style" but it also has to transcend genre and scope.
Maria Zannini said…
Shelley: You are hopping right now! I've never had to do two books back to back. Hope you catch a breather soon--or you'll need another vacation. ...not that anyone has to twist your arm for that. :o)
Maria Zannini said…
Barbara: Thank you! You're a sweetheart!