Under the Weather

Who the heck ordered sinus headaches with a side of sore throat? I start to feel better and then it slaps me down again. Common sense says to take it easy for a couple of days, but you don't have that option when you have animals to tend. 

The fickle weather has made things even harder. My guess is all the fronts are responsible for the constant ups and downs of the pressure in my head.

It would be easier if Greg was here, but I'm on my own, battening down the hatches for another freeze. It was in the 80s on Saturday, but it plunged below freezing on Sunday, and currently 16 degrees this morning. Yesterday, we had an ice storm and lost power. Ah, the joys of country living.

During freezes like this I lug buckets of hot water several times a day to all the pens so everyone can get a warm drink.

My poor fruit trees are bursting with little buds waiting for Mother Nature to make up her mind. 

Soon, I hope.

As I look down at my feet I'm surrounded by dog-mines. Each of them perfectly positioned so I can't leave the room without an entourage. They've been good hounds though. I haven't had the energy to walk them like I usually do. I think they realize I'm not at 100%. 

Well...all except Nana. She thinks the world should revolve around her. Rotten kid.

The bright side is that my power is back, and it'll be warmer tomorrow. We'll be back in the 70s by the end of the week.

What do you do when you're not feeling well? Live like a hermit, or have the spouse and/or kids wait on you? (Maybe you can lend me one of them.)


Stacy McKitrick said…
Sorry you're not feeling well. I had a tremendous headache yesterday that I could only attribute to the weather (it was snowing).

When I'm not feeling well, I usually just hunker down and not do anything, but then I don't have animals to take care of either (my husband doesn't count - haha!). I guess just do the absolute minimum needed for the critters and then curl up under a blanket. Hope you're feeling better soon!
Mike Keyton said…
The world doesn't seem right when you're ill. Get better soon, Maria.
B.E. Sanderson said…
Sorry you're feeling gross. :hugs: I haven't been sick in a while (one advantage to being a hermit is I don't come in contact with other people's germs), but like you, when I am sick, I don't have time to just lay around. I have stuff to do, so I do it. And then I just want to be left alone to suffer in peace.

Feel better soon.
Marian Perera said…
Ice storms are bad enough, but when they take out the power, it sucks even worse. Happened to us just before Christmas, and I spent most of the day in bed trying to stay warm. No way to even make a hot drink.

Hope you're feeling better soon and I'm glad to hear you got power back.
Maria Zannini said…
Stacy: Definitely weather.

It used to be these storm fronts never affected me, but in the last year something snapped and now every time the barometric pressure changes sharply, I lose my equilibrium and start getting headaches.
Maria Zannini said…
Mac: Thanks, Mac. :)
Maria Zannini said…
Mike: Ha! Well, it is inconvenient. Things have been worse, so I'm not complaining. I just wish it would pick a less busy time to happen.
Maria Zannini said…
BE: It's possible it's an infection, but more likely it's the barometric pressure. Not much I can do about that except move off world. :)
Maria Zannini said…
Marian: I know! Power outages make things a hundred times more difficult--especially in cold weather.

Unknown said…
I stay in bed curled up and crying.

In the voice of Jonathan Goldsmith, "I don't often get sick, but when I do, I'm a big ole baby."

Feel better soon!
Maria Zannini said…
Diane: LOL. I don't believe that for a minute. I've seen you take on the world.
I grew up on a farm and there weren't any sick days. If you couldn't do your chores it meant someone else had to do extra. So like you, I always just keep on going. Had the sore throat and sinus for over a week and still not quite better. I hope yours' doesn't last as long.
Warmed up to 13 here today.
Unknown said…
What do I do? Make life miserable for everyone around me. :D

Seriously, I do what ever I can to make the illness run it's course as quickly as possible. I just got over a bought of coughing (three weeks) that accompanied a sore throat (one week). I don't do anything;. no writing, housework (unless it's dire) and just relax and stay warm.
Sarah Ahiers said…
i pretty much live like a hermit anyway, but when i'm sick i just curl up on the couch, under blankets (with some dogs of course) and stare into space with the tv on.

It's awesome. /sarcasm
Angela Brown said…
Aw, hon, I hope you get better soon. But in the meantime, you've got your darlings keeping an eye on you. They are sweet. :-)

I would lend you Chipmunk. She's a bit of a boss and will tell you that you have to lay down to get better. Then she'll get real busy playing with Nana lol!
Maria Zannini said…
Susan: That's why I wish hubby was here. Times like these, it's all up to me.

Next year it'll be different. Next year. :)
Maria Zannini said…
Darke: LOL! I'd like to do that, but I doubt the dogs would care. They'd shrug at me and order me to make them dinner.
Maria Zannini said…
Sarah: The couch sounds good right now. I say this as I look over and see said dogs on the couch. No room for me.

I'm beginning to think I'M the minion in this house. Ha!
Maria Zannini said…
Angela: That reminds me. Didn't you promise Chipmunk a dog? Whatever happened to that?

Or are you trying to get her to forget? :)
Anonymous said…
Aw shoot. I'm sorry you're feeling bad. There are no sick days for parents or homesteaders, are there? Good luck getting through it all!
Anne Gallagher said…
I don't have the leisure to be sick. And even though I have a child, she can't wait on me (like I do her!) b/c she's only 9.

Sure hope you get to feeling better. And I know what you mean about this crazy weather. 70 yesterday, today freezing rain, sleet, and then snow. Temp 15 degrees tonight. Fun.
Unknown said…
Actually, I'm restricted from making or touching any food items that other people will eat. It's the best thing about being sick; someone else cooking for a freaking change, but yeah, CatPack still pesters to be fed.
Jenny Schwartz said…
Sounds miserable. I'm sending you a care-package of sunshine :)

Hope you feel better soon
Maria Zannini said…
Marlene: I keep telling myself, next winter will be different. :)
Maria Zannini said…
Anne: The weather has been a roller coaster. I'll be in shorts one day and a parka the next day. It's been insane.
Maria Zannini said…
Darke: Ha! Brilliant. I'll have to remember that. Maybe I can wear a plague sign around my neck.
Maria Zannini said…
Jenny: A package of sunshine would be appreciated!
Rebekah Loper said…
*hugs* hope you feel better soon. This weather does a number to my head, too.

I spent the weekend battening down the hatches before our winter storm hit yesterday. We got EVERYTHING - freezing rain, sleet, and snow. It was... fun.

And it's still bitterly cold.
Maria Zannini said…
Rebekah: I keep reminding myself of the triple digits we endured last year. The only thing I hope is that all these mini freezes will be enough to kill the grasshopper eggs on the ground.

I'd tolerate a lot to get rid of those buggers.
Shelley Munro said…
Sorry to hear you're not doing well, Maria. Sending you best wishes and I hope you get better well soon.

I usually keep going when I'm not well.
I'm a total hermit when I'm sick. I'd be tempted just to pile all the animals in the house if that could ever work. Except Barbeque. He could take his chances.
Maria Zannini said…
Shelley: With as much as you travel, I imagine you have to keep moving. :)
Maria Zannini said…
Barbara: You always make me laugh!

Actually, I've had that conversation with BBQ a number of times. He's treading on thin ice.
Anonymous said…
Being sick as an adult isn't what it was as a kid. Mum isn't here to tuck me in or deliver unending cups of tea, that's my job now whether I'm feeling good or not.

Take it as easy as you can. Down the Airborne. Mostly, feel better soon my friend!
Maria Zannini said…
Raelyn: Now that the front has moved through I'm beginning to feel better. Let's hope that means spring is right around the corner.