Done In

We had a lovely visit with friends and my niece and her little family. Everything was going well until Tuesday night. I felt a little off but I thought it was just allergies.

I had an already scheduled appointment with my doc for a physical the next day, but when she examined me, she assumed it was allergies too.

We were both wrong. I kept getting worse and worse until it became a raging head cold. That much I could take, but the part that is still tormenting me is the ringing in my right ear. It's awful! And loud. I've tried all sorts of home remedies. Sometimes it lessens the loudness but it never goes away.

Does anyone have any suggestions? At this point I'd try almost anything. I think it's just fluid buildup from my head cold.

I can thank my grand-niece for my cold, though poor kid, I hear she has the same. An adult can be miserable but a little baby doesn't know why she's hurting. It's got to be worse for her.

I should've realized something was amiss because her parents said she'd been fussier than normal. Poor kid. This is no fun.

Needless to say, I spent my anniversary with Kleenex, cold medicine and hot soup. Greg was a good nursemaid. 

He fed and watered all the animals. Unfortunately, he didn't lock the gate securely at the goat pen for the boys and the rascals got out to the girls. If we have early pregnancies, this will be why. I don't mind if the older girls get pregnant but I didn't want Pandora (the youngest) in the family way until next year.

She'll probably be all right. Accidental pregnancies happen all the time, but I prefer to let her get a little bigger first so the delivery isn't so hard on her.

This is the first time Greg has had to feed animals without me being there but he did just fine. Now if I could only convince him to pick up poop. I'm always stuck with that job.

Design Giveaway: Sadly, there were not enough entries to make it a true contest so I've had to cancel it. This really surprises me because of all the contests I've held, this one had so many people sharing the news. Maybe it was the wrong time of year. I can always try again next year.

Thank you to everyone who shared, tweeted, and blogged about the giveaway.

I apologize too if I haven't been to your blogs. I've had the best intentions, but most days I can barely sit up. As soon as I'm up to it, I'll start visiting again.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to break up the fluid buildup in my head? I've tried hot compresses and that seems to help a little. Hot showers too. But it always comes back. 

Signed: Half-deaf Maria


Marian Perera said…
Hope you and your grandniece feel better soon, Maria. And that Greg doesn't catch the cold too, of course!

I thought of entering the design contest, but there's only one book I have in mind to self-publish and I didn't think a wow-y enough description of it is possible just yet. Sorry you didn't get enough entries.
Mike Keyton said…
Sickness makes all of us helpless, the sufferer - as well as family and friends. The only upside is you doubly appreciate normality when it is over. Get well soon, Maria
B.E. Sanderson said…
Sorry that you're feeling poorly, and that you didn't get many entries to your contest. Maybe next time. I've never gotten good reaction to my blog contests, so I stopped having them. :shrug:

Feel better soon. And don't worry about stopping by. The posts will be there when you get better. =o)
Hope you feel better. I think regular Sudafed or its generic counterpart is the best for clearing out that fluid.
Unknown said…
I thought I'd had a cold once and it turned out to be a sinus infection which a healthy dose of antibiotics took care of in just a couple days.
Anne Gallagher said…
I'm sorry you don't feel well. The only thing I can remember my mother doing for me was a hot face cloth over my ear and lay with that ear down so whatever is in there drains out. Other than that, Vick's vaporub.

I hope you feel better soon. And yay that Greg is finally home to help you.
Anonymous said…
So sorry you're under the weather. Ringing is horrible - I went through it recently due to a medication change, and wow, it can miserable. I don't have suggestions though except to echo the bit about clearing up the congestion. Good luck!
Angela Brown said…
Half-dead Maria? Not good, got good at all. I wish I had some suggestions for you. Chipmunk had fluid build up several years ago so they put tubes in her ears. I'm thinking you don't want to go that route. I wouldn't blame you.
Praying you feel better soon :-)
Sarah Ahiers said…
bummer about the contest and bummer about the cold!
I hope you feel better soon
best bet to beat a cold:

jump in a time machine and leap two weeks ahead.

Stacy McKitrick said…
There seems to be all sorts of bugs going around. Sorry one decided to take up residence with you. Wish I could tell you how to make it better. :(
Maria Zannini said…
Marian: I offered web site banners and postcards too, but most people were fixated on the covers.

I'm easy. :)
Maria Zannini said…
Mike: I'm more than ready to be appreciative. I can't remember the last time I had a cold. I'm spoiled.
Maria Zannini said…
BE: I usually get a lot of participation from my contests so this really baffled me. It's got to be the time of year.
Maria Zannini said…
Susan: I made a special trip to get Sudafed and Vaporub. I hope one of them works.
Maria Zannini said…
Diane: I'm afraid it might be a sinus infection too. My first guess was a cold but the pain stayed in my sinuses.

I'm over the worst of it--except for the incessant ringing.
Maria Zannini said…
Anne: On my worst night I got up in the middle of the night and placed hot compresses on my face and ears. It helped a lot.

I bought Vaporub too. I hope it helps. Greg is gone until next week.
Maria Zannini said…
Marlene: I've never had ringing in my ears but I now understand why it drives so many people crazy. You never have any peace.
Maria Zannini said…
Angela: I hope it doesn't come to that. I'm going to give it one more day. If I can't get any relief by tomorrow, I'm calling the doctor again.
Maria Zannini said…
Mac: You have no idea how much I want to jump ahead two weeks right now.
Maria Zannini said…
Stacy: Little kids are always carrying something. I'm just sorry she's having to suffer too. It's got to be easier on an adult than a baby.
LD Masterson said…
I'm really sorry you're sick, hon. My favorite old fashioned remedy is still Vick's vap-o-rub. Smear it on your chest and back, and cover with a couple small towels to hold in the warmth. Then use it in a vaporizer, too,right next to your bed. Best thing I know of for breaking up congestion.
Maria Zannini said…
Linda: Bought the Vaporub and the Sudafed. So far no improvement.

I went looking for my vaporizer but I can't find it. I'm afraid it might be in one of the boxes we brought back from Greg's house.
Jenny Schwartz said…
Maria, that sounds awful. I have no helpful tips, just lots of sympathy.
I hope you feel better soon, Maria!
Maria Zannini said…
Jenny, Linda, Sandra:
No better today. I'll have to call the doc and see if she can prescribe something.