How Was Your Christmas?

 Did you take pictures of your holiday spread?

Let's share them. Before or After pictures welcomed. Just email me your blog link (by Sunday, December 28) and I'll post the links here on December 29th. 

Email me at writingweb1ATargontechDOTnet.

What did you get for Christmas this year?


Angela Brown saidā€¦
No pictures, but it was nice staying home and playing with my Chipmunk.

I hope yours was wonderfully fun and filled with lots of love :-)
Stacy McKitrick saidā€¦
Gosh, guess I better download the pictures from my iPhone NOW. But I don't know how to get the URL to a blogger post that isn't posted yet. Or should I just send YOU the pictures?
Angela has a chipmunk? That's cool


I have nice shots of lights today...
Maria Zannini saidā€¦
Stacy: Your blog link is good enough.
Unknown saidā€¦
Our Christmas was good. Didn't feel like Christmas because we didn't have any snow. Instead, rain, high winds and some places had thunderstorms. I wrapped all the presents including mine so THAT sucked. I didn't feel like opening them afterward. What's the point? Meh...

I did think of you when dinner was ready. I'll send you the post link tomorrow. :)