A Lofty Question
I believe life is meant to have a purpose. Our job is to find our purpose and fulfill it to the best of our abilities.
If my purpose on this Earth was nothing more than to save a couple dozen animals from death, then I feel it was a life well spent. Not all of us can change the tide of human history, but we can change the tide of one soul.
Greg feels that we aren't born with a purpose but rather we should be useful (and the best) in whatever kind of situation Fate throws at us. To him, the test lies in how we face challenges, demons, and the consequences of our actions.
I think both viewpoints ring true depending on your personality.
How about you?
Does life need a purpose? Is it enough just to live a good life? And here's a tricky question. What is a 'good' life?
Sometimes it seems all we see are the loud mouths and the crazies, rocket fuel for higher ratings and clickability. Beneath all the noise there are still decent people out there trying to do the best they can.
I think a good life is one in which I love and am loved. And right now I feel blessed to have a wonderful life!
Susan Says
re: I think a good life is one in which I love and am loved.
How true. In the end, that's the only thing that matters.
Both journeys are positive, each from a different perspective.
The same with seeing fulfillment, not in my big accomplishments, but the little ones as well. Looking back, sometimes it's the little things that made the most impact on me as a person.
Seriously though, I understand what you mean. Basically, we should be ourselves wherever we apply ourselves.
Since we've evolved to be independent thinkers I think it's up to the individual. What qualifies as enough in relation to a good life depends on your definition of good and your personal belief system. I go with the basics: in all things whenever possible, create rather than destroy, help rather than harm, and love rather than hate. Add in a dash of be the change you want to see in your world.
More than anything, a good life is one that you keep wanting to live.
If more people followed these tenets, we might have a less self-absorbed society.
My husband doesn't believe we are here for a purpose either. As for a good life, isn't that contentment. What makes me content doesn't necessarily make another person content. :)