Cheap Tricks: Amazon Price Drop Guarantee

I've done this recently with a power inverter we bought for Greg's solar array. It was the most expensive piece of equipment we bought for the solar panels, and it was something we watched for a long time before we bought it. On a hunch, I loaded it back to my Wish List. Sure enough, it went down by $30 three weeks later.

I politely inquired at Amazon about the price drop and they gladly credited my account. The service rep did warn me though that if the price dropped again, I could only ask for a refund once.

It pays to keep track of purchases, especially the more expensive ones where the money could be significant.

Have you ever asked Amazon to refund the difference? Did you have a similar experience to mine?


Great tip, Maria! Thanks for sharing.
betty said…
That is interesting to know. It is good that they honored their policy too when you asked about it on that item. I don't buy much from Amazon, but will definitely make a note of this when I do.

Susan Gourley said…
I haven't done that but I haven't bought anything expensive from Amazon except for my bike recently. I should add it back to my wish list.
Maria Zannini said…
Madeline: Hope you can use it someday.
Maria Zannini said…
Betty: I've become a pseudo-expert on Amazon because we buy so much there. 9 times out of 10 their prices are lower than what we can get locally. Since we live in the boonies it's even more convenient to have it delivered to the door.
Maria Zannini said…
Susan: I guess if I were super frugal I'd watch everything I bought for 30 days, but the expensive stuff is incentive enough.
Stacy McKitrick said…
Did not know that, not that I do a lot of Amazon shopping (usually during Christmas). I'll have to keep that in mind.
Maria Zannini said…
Stacy: I found out about it completely by accident one day. Ever since then I keep tabs on my more expensive purchases where the price drop might be significant.
I found your blog quite interesting and the concern in the blog is really impressive
Judy Thomas said…
I did not know this about Amazon... will keep it in mind.
[…] Amazon for an item that had gone down in price and I had asked for a refund of the difference. See my post on Amazon’s price drop […]