Cheap Trick: Make Your Own Seedling Pots with Toilet Paper Rolls
A quick tutorial on recycling empty cardboard rolls.
• Take your empty and cut 1 inch slits across one side.
• Fold the slits down until it forms a flat surface.
• Pack a little potting soil inside each tube.
• Plant your seed.
• Stand them up in a tray and water regularly.
• Once sprouted, plant tube and all directly in the ground.
Not only does it provide a collar against cutworms, but you never disturb the root system. The tube will disintegrate within the season and provide additional mulch to the soil.
My area is warm enough to sow directly but I can see using this technique for colder regions where it pays to start them indoors.
re: binoculars
That's a cute idea.! Never having had kids (other than Greg) I don't have many tips for kids' activities.
Toilet paper is one of those things I never want to see in short supply. :)
Plus everyone around us who planted is complaining about the abundant rainfall/severe thunderstorms drowning their gardens and the usable produce is way below normal for them as a result.
It's been a weird weather pattern this year.
PS Happy birthday!