RIP, Iko
There are no words to express our sorrow and pain. We lost our brave boy suddenly. His great, big heart gave out. There wasn't even time to get him to the vet. Our baby died in Greg's arms.
We were so very close to getting him well. The sutures were holding. His healing was going well. He had a great morning! At 2pm I took him for a walk through his favorite path and he was as happy as a young pup.
By 4pm he was gone.
We tried so hard, but he slipped through our hands anyway. I hope Tank came back to show him the way home because that's what big brothers do.
Rest in Peace, my good, brave boy. Wait for us on Rainbow Bridge.
Note: I had planned on blogging again Monday, but I need more time. We are numb with grief.
Virtual hugs and my condolences seem so lame, but my heart hurts for and with you, especially knowing how much you and hubby loved your brave boy. I am glad he was held in love in life and as he passed.