Navigating an On-Going Pandemic

Image by <a href="">Gerhard Bögner</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

It sounds like infection rates are going up which isn't too surprising since it's summer. In Florida, the median age for infection plunged to 37. On face value that might seem shocking, but let's back up the truck a bit. The people getting infected are least likely to die from it. They'll feel miserable for a couple of weeks, but they get over it.

The virus is not the killer plague the media made it out to be. Yes, some people get sick, and some die. But the number of deaths is incredibly low.

The media, being the media has blown it way out of proportion, covering each unique horror story as if it were happening exponentially. It's only when you see the actual numbers and work out the percentage that you realize what a snow job they created. They created a hysteria. I'd be scared too if I got sick today.

If you'd like to work out the numbers for your area, below are the links for population density and the formula for getting the percentage. When last I checked, this was the percentage for the US. Note where the decimal point is.   0.036937992804132%

How many people have been infected and/or died of Coronavirus.
Percentage Calculator

I don't anticipate another shutdown so prepping for a second wave or increased infection from the first wave will be treated slightly differently.

We are going out more. We shop weekly. We even eat out--sorta kinda. We buy restaurant food to go. I still don't feel comfortable eating in a restaurant.

So how are we treating this pandemic?

  • We wear masks inside stores. We do not wear masks if we're outdoors shopping unless we happen to be in a congested area--which by us, never happens.

  • We use hand sanitizer and alcohol wipes religiously after EVERY shopping encounter. If we shop at five stores, then we clean our hands five times. No exceptions.

  • I wash my store bought produce.

  • I wash my hands after handling mail or high touch areas.

  • We spray Lysol on our shoes and don't bring them in the house. Please be careful spraying Lysol in the house if you have pets. Phenols are toxic to pets.

  • We shop locally when we can, especially restaurants. Small, local (not big box stores and franchises) are the ones that got hurt during the shutdown. Support them first if you can.

  • Stay stocked up. I'm still having trouble finding rubbing alcohol and alcohol wipes, but otherwise we're in good shape. Hand sanitizer is everywhere but we prefer the wipes.

  • If you're elderly or immunocompromised avoid people when you can.

  • Don't be afraid if you get sick. It's not a death sentence. The vast majority of people recover just fine without any medical intervention.

  • If you get sick, up your dosage of Vitamin D, C, and Zinc. New research is saying steroids help too, but this is something only a doctor can prescribe. I'm not surprised by the steroid finding. It makes sense that if you can reduce the inflammation, you strike back at the virus's major method of attack.

We were planning on having friends over for the holiday, but I guess we'll have to wait a little longer.

The main way we're handling this continuing saga is by supporting businesses who were hardest hit by the shutdown. I don't want them to lose their livelihood.

Shop farmer's markets, eat from mom and pop restaurants, buy local whenever you can, and wash your hands. That's the best way we can help each other.

The ramifications of the virus are isolation and time. It is a gift. Use your time wisely if you're allowed to work from home or unemployed. The gift of time is precious and valuable. It has allowed us to get far more accomplished than we normally would.

Even while supporting local businesses, our spending has never been lower. Honest to dog, this virus scare has been surprisingly beneficial for me and mine.

I've lost weight, we've saved a ton of money, the garden is stupendous this year, plus we've gotten so many projects around the homestead done.

We miss our friends and family but we still talk to them all the time. I daresay, we talk to them more now than when we used to see each other.

How do you think people lived through the Spanish flu without cell phones, internet or tv? We have it good, my friends. Don't ever think differently.

How do you spend your free time? Did you check off any big projects from your to-do list?   

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Stacy McKitrick said…
I did the numbers. Of the 2,357,667 cases of COVID-19, 122,269 have died from it (so far). That's a 5.18% death rate. 41% have recovered. That leaves a little over 50% still sick. It doesn't state the % of those people who have recovered have lasting damage to their lungs/bodies. That's a number I'd like to see.

I really do not think the media has blown this out of proportion. Yeah, some places don't have it as much as others, but that doesn't mean it won't if precautions aren't put in place (and people abide by them).

I had hoped that summer would have killed this disease. Now it looks like we won't be safe until a vaccine is created. Until then, I'll wear a mask and hope others will do the same to slow down this disease. And I'll likely not eat in a restaurant anytime soon.
the author said…
Whatever the media says, which all seems to be politicized now, the facts are what I rely on. Fact: Florida has the highest percentage of senior-age population in the country; almost 20% of residents are over 65. 80% of the Covid-19 deaths in the U.S. have been people 65 and older. So if the virus spreads out of control here (which it is currently doing, thanks to people refusing to wear masks, social distance and/or going back to work while infected) simple math says we will become the new epicenter.

I'm out of constant-panic mode, which has been exhausting, and I'm pretty much done with the media. I stay off the internet (which is why I'm so behind on e-mail, too, sorry!) because I'm sick of seeing how heartless people have become about the vulnerable and elderly. But I also accept that this may be what ends us. My guy and I have already made arrangements to make sure the kids will be okay if we don't make it. To improve our chances at surviving, however, we wear masks, avoid other people, and social distance when we can't (twice a month when we grocery shop. That's it.)

I used my spare time this month to make a quilt for my grandson's first birthday in September. Getting back to quilting has really helped de-frazzle me. I just need to work on being a better friend now. :)
Maria Zannini said…
Stacy: Your math is not correct. Originally, the experts were predicting a 3% death rate. We are currently at 300th of a percent death rate.

0.036937992804132% That "3" is in the hundredth place of that decimal.

I think I'll wait on the vaccine until I've seen how others fare on it. Whenever they rush into things, someone messes up.
Maria Zannini said…
re: I just need to work on being a better friend now.

You've never been anything but a good friend!

You are correct that people our age are most susceptible. Greg and I recovered, despite our underlying health problems.

A cousin of mine who's in his 70s and had a heart condition did not make it. Life and death is never fair.

Reminds me of a friend of mine. He was my age and in absolute perfect condition. Worked out, ate right, looked 20 years younger than his actual age. Then he dropped dead from an unknown heart problem.

You never know.
Stacy McKitrick said…
2,357,667 X .0518 (which is 5.18%) = 122,127. How is that math wrong? 5% of those infected have died.
Maria Zannini said…
Stacy use the calculator I posted.

I see where you got your number, but that's only for the population tested. I'm using the entire population of the US that have died from Covid.

122,321 deaths from a population of 330,954,637 = 0.036960050207727%
Mike Keyton said…
We have an almost monastic routine. In my case an early start with tea, news and social media. Then a morning of writing, lunch and then the afternoon walk. Evening is reading, sometimes mandolin or mandola. One point, like you we’ve lost weight, in my case over a stone, which is nice ☺️ Restaurants and pubs remain closed
Maria Zannini said…
Mike: I kind of liked the monastic life when we were isolating completely, though I didn't like running out of stuff.

All stores and restaurants are open here. For the most part everyone is being helpful and compliant.

We stay home unless we need something, then we get it and go. We don't linger in any store. It's made us very efficient shoppers.