Christmas Gift Ideas Under $25

While we all would like some expensive gift under the tree, I still believe that most of us would rather have something meaningful over pricey. 

For example, I go crazy for garden seeds, especially the lesser known varieties. Since I tend to shop for heirloom and non GMO, I can save seed to share with others. It's literally a gift that keeps on giving and how neat is that?

To select the best gifts you have to know your recipient. What do they love? What are their goals? What do they do to relax?

From there you can drill down to small items that they will truly appreciate. Here are some ideas. 

This blog series is part one of three. 

See the rest of the series. Part 2    Part 3

For the Traveler:


For the Gardener


For the Outdoors Adventurer


By the way, if you want to buy me an expensive gift, I'm a size 20 acres with a stream running through it. LOL! How about you? What would be your ultimate gift?

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Check out my Favorite Things Page. These are items that I have bought for myself or friends and can absolutely recommend.


Lynn said…
Oh, I love you this morning (I love you all the time, but especially this morning.) I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what to get my guy for his December birthday. You had the perfect (and inexpensive) gift right here, and it will arrive a week early. I owe you big time, lady.

My ultimate gift is always a good book. I'm easy. :)
Mike Keyton said…
My ultimate gift is what I have, though a film deal might be nice 😎
Maria Zannini said…
Lynn: That's a double whammy with a December birthday. Next week I have some ideas for tinkerers if he likes to work with his hands. I am forever looking for gift ideas that Greg might like.
Maria Zannini said…
Mike: I'd like to watch a film about your life. You seemed to have lived a very interesting life.
Mike Keyton said…
I was thinking more of a three movie deal for the Gift Trilogy but my life. . .? Now who would play me? The mind boggles :)
Maria Zannini said…
Mike: Michael Caine comes to mind but he is getting long in the tooth.
Jenny Schwartz said…
Seeds are such a good idea! I can gloat over seed packets the way I do over books :)

Maria Zannini said…
Jenny: I trade seeds and cuttings between a few people and we're like kids in a candy store.
Mike Keyton said…
Michael Caine? Crikey! I'm thinking Harold Lloyd for the young MK and Buster keaton for his older incarnation.
Maria Zannini said…
Mike: No. Seriously. You remind me of Michael Caine when he was a little younger.
Mike Keyton said…
You are right, of course. I shall show this to Bernadette and watch her try to keep a straight face. : )