Another Update
Alas, no picture again. I am posting like a cave person, bumming off a store's wifi.
We had a helluva storm come through. Debris everywhere but the worst was my satellite dish for internet. The sad dish was dangling off my roof.
No ETA on when my provider can fix it, so don't be surprised if I'm absent.
One other update--good news for a change.
After a very tense few hours we got Odin sedated enough to get his surgery done. He was feeling a little rough for a couple of days, but today he's back to his happy self despite the cone of shame.
Luckily we got home before the storm hit.
I'll take the broken dish any day if I can get a pain-free dog in exchange.
I'll post again when internet returns.
Other than the satellite, I hope little else was damaged in the storm so you and hubby can use this time to do something that sorta resembles relaxing.
Boo, for the bad news. Hope you're back to normal soon!
Keep well. Read a good book.
Take care and be safe.
Thanks, all. I think this is the longest we've ever been disconnected from the Matrix. It was good for my soul, but now I have to get back to work.