Time to Clean and Organize for Fall
I had promised an update on my freeze dryer, but then the holidays showed up. I've not had a chance to do any more freeze drying, but I have loads waiting to process.
Once a year I clean out my pantry. This year, I was on a purging spree. Pickled peppers were the big losers. Since Greg no longer eats sugar except for rare desserts, the pickled peppers were decomposing on my shelves.
It was time for them to go and make room for other stuff. By the time I was done, that pantry was a thing of beauty.
A few bought things had to be tossed. It was mostly pasta that had been pushed to the back, a safe haven for mealy bugs.
I know they won't harm you, and even mass producers admit there are mealy bug eggs on the food they package, but if I see them, I toss it.
The only pests I keep in my house are the dogs. š
I rearranged my food groups a bit this year. For the past few months I've had more and more trouble finding this or that. There were also cans that kept being pushed back.
To solve that problem, I immediately pulled them out of rotation and used them in a couple of recipes.
Out of sight is out of mind, so you have to willfully take them out and use them.
In other news, Greg finished the electrical, and my potting bench for my greenhouse. I'll post a photo once I move in my stuff, but that greenhouse is a dream come true. Looking at it now, I wish it was bigger, but this was all we could afford.
As usual, Greg added little details like a narrow shelf, and a wall-to-wall potting bench, all set at a comfortable height for me. The conduit was bent and shaped to fit the greenhouse angles so to be inconspicuous.
It's all a tiny piece of perfection. I wish we had had money when we were younger. The house that man could've built us! He built his own workshop in east Texas. That was one massive building. And he built nearly the entire thing by himself. I think the only thing I helped with was the roof.
This week is Thanksgiving. We'd been invited for Thanksgiving dinner, but then my friend injured herself badly, so I'm bringing the turkey to her.
Meanwhile, I've been snapping up a lot of deals on Amazon. Cat food, kitchen supplies, and quite a few gardening tools have been a great price.
Amazon's Black Friday Sale is still on. Check it out. Please use my links to help me out.
Also, don't forget Harvest Right's sale.
