Christmas Traditions
What kind of traditions do you observe for the holidays?
In our younger days, we used to go all out, decorating every inch of the house. Every year, we'd add a new ornament, usually something unique or handmade.
At the end, I would gently paper and box them up. They're probably not worth anything, except in memories.
We don't decorate anymore. I will if I'm expecting overnight guests, or more importantly, little ones, because I want to make Christmas special for them. But for ourselves, we stopped going through the extra work. It's hard to drag down all those boxes from the attic.
I often wonder if I should just get rid of it all, but the ornaments are still precious to me. I want them to go to people who'd love them like I did. I'm waiting for one of my grand nieces or nephews to become avid dog lovers because I have tiny dog figurines that I attached to ribbons and cord to hang on the tree.
Christmas cardsThis will be the first year I won't be mailing Christmas cards. I should, but I don't want people to feel they have to reciprocate. If we talk to each other occasionally on Facebook, or through emails, it seems more fulfilling.
We still like to look at lights, though we have to travel to a nearby city for that, since no one out here decorates the outside of their homes. Most homes are set back behind trees, so what's the point? No one can see them.
Our traditions (or lack of them) probably makes us sound like Grinches, but we've entered the realm of old age. We leave it to others to entertain, knowing we've done our bit in years past.
I still bake. In fact, as I'm writing this, it's baking day. I will be making cranberry and pumpkin breads, and pies. My list includes four neighbors, our vet, and her office staff and a few friends.
The vet gets an extra dose of holiday cheer because I plan to make a full feast for her and her child the week before Christmas. She works very hard. Not only is she a vet, but she's raising a child alone, yet still keeps her cattle and horse ranch running. I don't know how she manages, so I try to fix her meals a couple of times a month to help her out. She gives so much of herself to everyone she meets.
We watch holiday movies. We usually reserve those for the week of Christmas. My favorites are Christmas in Connecticut, White Christmas, Miracle on 34th Street, and The Bishop's Wife. There are others, but these are the ones that always put me in the Christmas spirit.
We call, or visit family and friends in and around Christmas. We talk to family every Christmas. We visit friends and neighbors with goodies, and catch up on the latest news.
Unless we've been invited for Christmas dinner elsewhere, I like to make rib roast for Greg. His eyes light up when that roast comes out of the oven. LOL!
It saves me from cooking for a few days afterward. He's more than content to eat some roast beef sandwiches, or snitch a piece of meat when he thinks I'm not looking.
I'm nice to myself too. I always make extra side dishes. I love side dishes! This year, it'll be roasted potatoes, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale salad, peas and biscuits. (North Texas must be on a health kick. I could not find kale this year!)
And let's not forget desserts. Greg gives himself permission to cheat and eat desserts with real sugar. He does this twice a year, on his birthday and Christmas. The rest of the time he asks for sugarfree desserts.
His sugar level isn't that bad anymore so I let him splurge whenever he asks.
Usually, by now we can relax until February, but every time I think we're through, another project comes to mind. This is what happens when you have knee surgery. Everything gets pushed ahead until you run out of the current year.
We still have a few more outdoor chores but we've been rained out for a couple of weeks and I need really dry weather for these jobs.
The greenhouse is chock full of trees and assorted plants. This winter has been surprisingly mild, but I'm storing my plants there early in case the temps drop fast.
We still have to build a framework for the shade cloth. When the sun is directly overhead it's way too hot, even in the winter, so that's our next big build.
I have a feeling 2025 is going to be especially busy. I think next year I'll give in and see a hand surgeon to see if he can do anything for my hands. They're in such bad shape sometimes I'm unable to do even simple tasks. But I learned my lesson from the knee surgery. If I need hand surgery I'll wait until August when it's too hot to do anything.
What are you expecting for 2025? Do you think this year ended on a happy note for you and your family?
I'll be on sabbatical for the next few weeks while I recharge ...I mean, clean the kitchen.
See you January 13!
Wherever you are, I hope you have the best of holidays.
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