Planned Obsolescence
Got my new computer last week. Do you know what it's like resetting a new computer to the way you like it? Madness!
Before I shut down my old computer, I took screenshots of all the apps and folders on my display monitor. Then I took screenshots of my browser window because there's a certain way I like to have my tools and bookmarks.
Speaking of bookmarks. I'm glad I made a backup of my bookmarks. The Geek Squad made a backup but they were bookmarks from a decade ago. I have no idea where they found those.
So far, the only hiccup has been my "new and improved" security software. It's preventing me from commenting on blogs, though apparently I can comment on my own.
I still haven't found the restriction that keeps me from commenting. If I go to a blog, I'll have to do it from my phone, which I loathe because the comment screen is too tiny to read.
I do like this new computer. I opted for a gaming computer which seems very much faster than my old one. Sadly, new computers don't come with CD drives any more so I had to buy one so I could load my old software.
Result: Microsoft Word made the cut, but Photoshop did not. I refuse to pay for a subscription to Photoshop. There are alternatives, but if you're used to Photoshop you might not like them as much.
While I was waiting for my computer to come back to me from the Geek Squad, I decided to do a purge on my house.
Darlin', I was ruthless.
The only thing that bugged me is that I had to get rid of software and devices that were no longer relevant. I have a beautiful, large flatbed scanner, but my printer already has a scanner.
I also had to toss out my favorite tape recorder. It was the best workhorse. I used it daily while I was at university. Now, it's just a dust collector. I can't remember the last time I even saw a cassette tape.
Technology changes so rapidly that when new tech grabs hold, you might as well kiss your old tech goodbye because it probably won't be compatible with anything new.
I am getting rid of loads of stuff from the homestead too. I don't plan to incubate any more eggs so I'm giving my commercial quality incubator/hatcher to my niece (once she moves to her new place).
I'm selling my chicken plucker too. It's a great machine, but my arthritis is so bad that even butchering birds cripples my hands. I can do two, (and that's pushing it) before my fingers start to lock up.
Greg's turning 70 this year, and I'm right behind him. And while we're still pretty spry for our age, we know it's time to dial it down.
I guess people too, become forced obsolescent machines. We all have a limited lifespan of usefulness.
We have other interests though, so we'll concentrate on those while we still have all our marbles. 😏
How are you with new technology? Is it getting harder to acclimate?
Weather Update: If you follow me on Facebook, you know we got hit with the mother of all rain storms flooding the roads we use to leave our neighborhood. There's drone footage on my FB page if you're interested.
In all the years I'd lived here, I had never seen it that bad. Surprisingly enough, the waters receded and the stranded cars were removed within 24 hours. There's still flooding in the cow fields along those roads, but it too, is starting to soak back into the earth. Thankfully, we're several feet higher so no damage by us.
**If you're shopping Amazon, start from this link.
I got an email from Harvest Right. If you click my affiliate link and use the promo code use LOVE100 during the month of February, you'll get $100 off their already reduced prices.
I've been using my machine steadily. It's getting easier to gauge what works and what doesn't. Greg's favorites have been grapes, peaches, and seasoned corn. These you can eat without rehydrating. I've been especially happy freeze drying dog and cat food. I've also freeze dried entire meals but we haven't yet rehydrated them so I don't want to report on them until we've done a taste test.
So far, though, everything I've rehydrated tastes just like fresh. I was surprised and relieved that it was so much better than the commercial freeze dried stuff.

I don't even want to think what will be obsolete down the road. Probably me. LOL!
We still have a good selection of CDs, but I've long since parted with cassettes and LPs.
My former neighbor had over 10,000 LPs. When he died, a disc jockey from Houston bought his collection.